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发布时间:2018-04-17 22:02

  本文选题:软件开发 + 持续集成 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the context of the rapid development of the Internet, product demand and innovation emerge endlessly and at a faster pace; for the software industry, there is a need to adapt and meet this need and to be able to respond quickly to changing needs.Developing products quickly and pushing to market constantly, this kind of change brings forward new challenge to software development method, the software development under the traditional mode can not satisfy.In recent years, new development models, such as iterative development and agile development, have been put forward in the field of software engineering, which try to evolve the traditional long period development mode of waterfall to short cycle and flexible way to meet the need of quickening the pace of product marketing.Several important practices in these theories, such as continuous integration, automated testing and continuous delivery, have become useful attempts to solve the problem of rapid delivery of software products.In this paper, the key problems encountered in R & D are analyzed and summarized through the investigation and research on the current software product development model of the company.With the gradual development of cloud computing technology, the main form of company software products is gradually transformed into the software system mode of terminal plus cloud platform. Cloud platform often serves a large number of terminal equipment, supporting more and more business.The interaction between modules and modules is becoming more and more complex. These factors lead to the integration of modules in the process of parallel development. Quality control and deployment are becoming more and more difficult, mainly reflected in the lagging of code integration and inadequate unit testing.Low test efficiency, slow launch rhythm and so on.Through detailed investigation and learning and learning from domestic and foreign benchmarking enterprises, this paper summarizes and proposes a continuous integration solution based on automation strategy, and finally realizes the ability of continuous delivery.In the process of implementation, the open interface module is selected for pilot, which can effectively help developers find software defects in advance, deal with problems more efficiently, and more fully detect the various units of the system, so as to improve the quality of the software.The goal of reducing risk and reducing test inputs.


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