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发布时间:2018-04-29 10:04

  本文选题:网站安全 + 安全测评 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Website security evaluation is a new kind of third party service, which can provide information security evaluation, help enterprises to discover the security vulnerabilities and threats, provide privacy and data protection and so on. However, some website security evaluation services have "backdoor", embedded non-evaluation business services, leaked user information, and introduced new security issues. In view of the security problems existing in the website security evaluation service itself, the research work in this paper is as follows: 1) the mainstream website security assessment service is studied, and its evaluation content is analyzed concretely. Methods and procedures, etc.) this paper puts forward the possible information security problems in the website security assessment service, focusing on the security of the service object (website security, evaluation tool security, service process security). Four aspects of the security of service personnel summarized their information security issues, According to these information security problems, this paper lists the security requirements and principles that should be met by the website security assessment service, and designs a kind of information security measurement model for the website security evaluation service. In this model, aiming at the possible security problems of website security evaluation service, this paper puts forward a security measurement index system for website security evaluation service. The system includes about 70 security metrics, which is comprehensive and concrete. The model uses dual weighting method to determine the weights of each metric, and finally uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method combined with the expert credibility weighting method to evaluate the security of the website security evaluation service. The model converts the qualitative security evaluation into the quantitative evaluation, effectively reduces the subjectivity of the experts and the uncertainty of the evaluation. It designs and implements the expert security assessment software for the website security evaluation service. The software uses the above model to evaluate the security of the web site. The simulation results show that the security metric system is comprehensive and can cover the key indexes in different environments. Then, this paper uses the security assessment software to evaluate the security of 32 websites. The experimental results show that 25% of the evaluation services are still in the state of high security hidden danger. It is urgent and necessary to evaluate the safety of the evaluation service. The research in this paper can not only make users, websites and governments realize the importance of security assessment of website security assessment services, but also have certain guiding significance for government evaluation and certification of information security of these third-party services.


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