本文选题:TCP + 尾部丢包 ; 参考:《小型微型计算机系统》2017年09期
【摘要】:随者互联网时代的到来,如何提升互联网应用的交互性能逐渐成为时下的研究热点;而在当今的互联网环境中,网络带宽已经不是瓶颈,网络时延成为影响应用交互性能的关键因素.作为互联网时代的主要应用,Web应用的网络时延受到TCP尾部丢包现象的严重影响.Tail Loss Probe算法是一种通过发送探针包来触发恢复的高效易部署的TCP尾部丢包恢复算法,但其需要修改现有的TCP加速机制,存在影响互联网稳定性的风险.针对Tail Loss Probe算法存在的不足,提出一种Double Tail Loss Probe算法,该算法对不同的尾部丢包模式进行细化处理且在适当时机下发送两个探针包以加速恢复并实现与现有TCP机制的友好兼容,从而保证互联网数据流通的稳定性.实验表明,在不同的丢包粒度和传播时延下,Double Tail Loss Probe算法都展现出更快的恢复速度;尤其在丢包粒度较大时,相比Tail Loss Probe,该算法取得了约20%的性能提升.
[Abstract]:With the advent of the era of Internet, how to improve the interactivity of Internet applications has gradually become a research hotspot, and in today's Internet environment, network bandwidth is no longer the bottleneck. Network delay becomes the key factor to affect the performance of application interaction. As the main application in the Internet era, the network delay of web applications is seriously affected by the phenomenon of TCP tail packet loss. Tail Loss Probe algorithm is an efficient and easy to deploy TCP tail packet loss recovery algorithm, which can trigger the recovery by sending probe packets. However, it needs to modify the existing TCP acceleration mechanism, which has the risk of affecting the stability of the Internet. In view of the shortcomings of Tail Loss Probe algorithm, this paper proposes a Double Tail Loss Probe algorithm, which refines different tail packet loss modes and sends two probe packets at the appropriate time to accelerate recovery and achieve friendly compatibility with existing TCP mechanisms. So as to ensure the stability of Internet data circulation. Experiments show that the double Tail Loss Probe algorithm exhibits faster recovery speed under different packet loss granularity and propagation delay, especially when packet loss granularity is larger, the performance of this algorithm is improved by about 20% compared with Tail Loss Probe, algorithm.
【作者单位】: 中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术学院;安徽省计算与通信软件重点实验室;中国科学技术大学先进技术研究院;
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