本文选题:移动互联网 + 服务质量 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Mobile Internet is the combination of traditional mobile communication network and Internet, which can provide users with more flexible, anytime, anywhere network services. With the continuous growth of the mobile Internet market, the fierce market competition also makes operators realize that improving the quality of mobile Internet service is the key to survival and profitability. Therefore, the quality of service of the mobile Internet has been paid more and more attention. How to accurately evaluate the quality of mobile Internet service has become an urgent problem. At the same time, with the explosive popularity of wireless mobile terminal devices and the increasing maturity of crowd-sourcing mode, the combination of the two has produced crowdsensing. The advantage of group intelligence perception lies in its ability to use the power of the group, overcome the limitation of geographical factors and time factors, and carry out large-scale and high quality data collection tasks. As a result, it has gradually been widely used in all aspects of daily life. This paper focuses on the quality of service evaluation of mobile Internet based on group intelligence perception. Firstly, a user-weighted iterative method for mobile Internet QoS evaluation is proposed. Taking into account the difference caused by individual factors and the needs of different evaluation scenarios, the method gives users and different types of indicators different weights. This paper verifies its accuracy from the point of view of simulation and measured data. Through simulation, the average error distance of user weighted iterative algorithm is 44.9 less than that of majority voting algorithm, and the average error distance of user weight is 16.7. Based on the measured data of user side in LTE network, different base station scenarios are distinguished and the accuracy of the algorithm is compared. The error rate of the user-weighted iterative algorithm is more than 30% less than that of the majority voting algorithm in the traffic main roads and residential area scenarios. Secondly, a kind of incentive mechanism based on price strategy is proposed. From the perspective of group intelligence perception task platform, the interaction process between perceptual task publisher and perceptual task platform is modeled by using Steinkelberg game model. Then the iterative learning algorithm is used to solve the optimal price strategy of the perceptual task platform under Nash equilibrium, and the performance of the algorithm is evaluated by simulation. In summary, this paper provides theoretical and technical support for mobile Internet QoS evaluation based on group intelligence perception through theoretical analysis and experiments.
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