本文选题:僵尸网络 + 抑制策略 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid popularization of the Internet and the rapid development of related technologies, the Internet occupies a more and more important position in the process of people's work and life. At the same time, the problem of network security is becoming more and more serious. The frequency of network security incidents is increasing year by year. Among them, the emergence of P2P botnets, such as Storm, has attracted the attention of enterprises and researchers in the field of security. The traditional malware propagation model can not describe the spread process of the new P2P botnet well, but how to restrain the spread of this kind of botnet in the network effectively has become a very important problem. In the process of P2P botnet transmission, the infection of network host presents two stages: first, infected host, then infected host join botnet. In order to better suppress the spread of P2P botnet, this paper proposes a complete inhibition strategy, and establishes a comprehensive system of botnet detection, isolation, immunization, killing, virtual patch and other related inhibition technologies. To limit the spread of P2P botnets. The isolation strategy based on P2P system can effectively suppress the attack of infected host, while the virtual patch strategy will enhance the protection of vulnerable host. In the process of P2P botnet transmission, the infection of network host presents two stages. According to this characteristic, a P2P botnet two-stage infection transmission model-SIIR model is established to analyze and study the transmission characteristics of P2P botnet. Based on the SIIR model, a P2P isolation strategy based on intrusion detection system (IDS) is proposed to suppress the growth of infected hosts and suppress the spread of P2P botnet. The SIIQR model is established. In the corresponding numerical experiments, it can be found that after the introduction of isolation strategy, the number of infected hosts has a significant decline, but the effect is not very good. In order to enhance the protection of vulnerable hosts, virtual patch technology is introduced to build SIIPQR model based on the technology of SIIQR model. After the introduction of virtual patch suppression strategy, it can be found that the vulnerable host has good protection, thus reducing the number of infected hosts in the whole botnet and achieving a good inhibition effect. In addition, the numerical simulation of the three models is given. The experimental results show that the corresponding disease-free equilibrium points exist, and their values are in agreement with the theoretical derivation. Finally, three kinds of propagation models are simulated in discrete time mode, and the simulation curves and numerical curves are compared. The two curves are in good agreement with each other, which verifies the correctness of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.
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