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发布时间:2018-06-30 05:05

  本文选题:社会网络 + 动态社区发现 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, attention to community structure related research in social network has been paid more attention to the basic complex network attributes, such as small and medium world, scale-free, power law and so on. Mining community structure is of great significance to the research of social network. The scale of social network is increasingly large and dynamic, and it is given to the traditional society The area discovery algorithm has brought great challenges. Therefore, this paper will focus on community discovery problems, carry out the research work of community structure mining in large-scale social network and the fast algorithm of community discovery in dynamic social network. This paper transforms the community discovery problem into optimization problem, and proposes a hierarchical optimization framework. The purpose is to send the community to the community. This hierarchical framework includes three levels: core area mining, isolated point repair and Optimization in newly built networks. Then this paper proposes a combination algorithm DBPSO based on the idea of the design of the layered framework. The algorithm includes the core region discovery based on density clustering, three outlier restoration strategies and the optimization of the module degree by improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the newly constructed network. It is proved that the optimization of the module degree in the newly constructed network is consistent with the optimization of the module degree in the original network. The mutation operator of the algorithm accelerates the convergence of the particle swarm optimization algorithm. The experiments on the artificial network data set and a large number of real network data sets in different scale show that the proposed algorithm can effectively find the network community structure. The dynamic social network community discovery is helpful to analyze the overall network characteristics and the development rules. In dynamic network analysis, based on the idea of incremental analysis, this paper proposes a combination of label propagation and incremental correlation node (ILPA.). The algorithm makes use of the characteristics of the slow change of community structure in the dynamic social network in the adjacent period, and only the network snapshot of the first sampling period is analyzed by the static community discovery algorithm. The community structure in the T period is based on the community discovery results in the previous T-1 period, and combined with the network increment related nodes of the T period network to determine the community structure.ILPA algorithm of the current network not only has the efficiency of the traditional dynamic community detection algorithm based on the incremental analysis, but also does not need the prior knowledge of the community number. The adaptive network structure also has good results for the network mutation. The experiments on the artificial dynamic network data set and the real dynamic network data set show that the ILPA algorithm can effectively excavate the community structure in the dynamic network, and has better stability and higher execution efficiency.


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