[Abstract]:Collection and transportation of municipal solid waste (MSW) is a bottleneck in environmental protection. With the development of urbanization and industrialization, the amount of domestic garbage in our country has been increasing. However, the existing mode of garbage cleaning and transportation has some disadvantages, such as low efficiency, real-time checking, difficult management, low degree of resource utilization and single treatment. Using Internet technology to solve environmental problems, strengthen management, improve the utilization of resources and real-time information, has become the development direction of many countries. Based on this background, this paper puts forward the strategy of constructing the sanitation vehicle dispatching system in the mode of mixed recovery and centralized sorting. This paper first introduces the status quo of garbage generation and garbage collection and transportation by sanitation truck, and expounds the significance and content of the research. Next, the paper puts forward the management information platform of sanitation vehicle system based on Internet, which is generally composed of wireless communication module GPRS module, route planning, map matching, geographic information system, man-machine interface and so on. In the research of the path planning algorithm of sanitation vehicle, this paper puts forward the "garbage element" as the token of garbage volume growth, and puts forward the dynamic probability model of garbage element generation through investigation and reference. On this basis, the typical garbage collection network construction model and the sanitation vehicle path model are introduced, which lays a theoretical foundation for the mathematical modeling of this paper. Based on the experience of the developed countries, the paper puts forward the construction of the collection and transportation system of the sanitation truck with sorting center, and realizes the separation and recovery of domestic waste through the sorting center. Due to the problem of facility location and vehicle route optimization, this paper combines the mathematical models of the two problems, and abstracts all kinds of hypotheses into mathematical constraints. Finally, the mathematical model of the sanitation vehicle collection and transportation dispatching system is formed. The main features of the model are as follows: the classification and recovery of domestic waste, the location of sanitation related facilities and the path of sanitation vehicle are considered comprehensively. This paper presents a serial running Tabu search algorithm and a genetic algorithm to solve the model. In this paper, an example is selected to test the model and algorithm. The test results show the reliability of the model and the superiority of the algorithm. Then the cost of the model and the sensitivity of the algorithm parameters are analyzed. The experimental results show that the collection cost and the transportation cost have a great influence on the total cost, but the change of the algorithm parameters will not have too much effect on the total cost. It shows that the algorithm is robust to parameter variation. Finally, the emphasis of the next step is to continue to improve the algorithm and practical application.
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