[Abstract]:With the development of computer network technology, the scale of Internet (Internet) presents explosive growth, Internet users also grow rapidly, the demand is diversified, the network congestion problem becomes more and more serious due to the rapid increase of network traffic. The quality of service (QoS) of computer network is becoming more and more important. In order to improve the quality of service (QoS) of computer networks, congestion control mechanism based on network intermediate nodes has become a hot topic. Active queue management algorithm (AQM) is an important means to realize congestion control mechanism based on intermediate nodes. There have been a lot of AQM algorithms. In this paper, several classical AQM algorithms are analyzed, and their advantages and disadvantages are summarized. Based on the ARED algorithm, in order to enhance the queue length stability and improve the link utilization, An improved algorithm, TTL-ARED.ARED, based on link load adaptation, is proposed to determine the degree of network congestion by detecting the average queue length and to adjust the maximum packet loss probability to stabilize the queue length. TTL-ARED algorithm can not well adapt to the network burst traffic. TTL-ARED algorithm can judge the degree of network congestion according to the change of link load, achieve the purpose of stabilizing queue length, and ensure high link utilization. At the same time, the packet loss probability calculation function is improved and optimized, which can better adapt to the network congestion control, reduce packet loss probability, and improve the throughput of the link. The performance of TTL-ARED algorithm is simulated by network simulation software NS2. The simulation results show that TTL-ARED algorithm can better adapt to different network environments, effectively control network congestion, and improve the stability of queue length. It ensures the high throughput of the link and has better stability and robustness.
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