[Abstract]:In enterprise management information system (MIS), the robustness of security and performance is the key factor of enterprise success. Nowadays, MIS is operated manually by different communication computer and electronic infrastructure in order to realize the common goal of enterprises. This mode of communication is usually used for secure and reliable data exchange between the source host and other target hosts within the enterprise. From the point of view of security and availability, the communication system designed in this paper is quite complex. Therefore, in order to achieve the balance between the security and availability of the network, the cost of each facility and the cost of fixing the vulnerability should be improved. In the search for effective security solutions, a variety of different security solutions should be integrated. The commercial versions of these security solutions are very expensive and not user-friendly and require backstage support from security experts. The relationship between the three elements of information security is comprehensively analyzed in this paper. The purpose is to demonstrate and evaluate the inverse relationship between security mechanisms and network performance indicators. For this reason, we first simulate in GNS3, and further discuss the influence of some security mechanisms on system throughput. Then, the response time of TCP and UDP packets between two hosts is simulated. Furthermore, when multiple security mechanisms are applied to the enterprise network, we design a projection method to analyze the impact of the design on the security performance of the system. In addition, we manage the enterprise according to their function and the size of IT equipment. Furthermore, in order to conceptual design and evaluate the security requirements of the enterprise, we design an extensible security model to help realize this requirement. Finally, we consider that different types of enterprises should be given appropriate design patterns. It is well known that designing a good security system is essential to the security of computing. However, from a strategic point of view, good practice and basic security play an important role in ensuring the security of some large enterprises, even some small and medium-sized enterprises.
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