[Abstract]:After the Internet entered the web2.0 era, the content of the Internet changed from website to user-oriented. With the increasing number of Internet users and the increasing scale of Internet computing and storage, a single server has been unable to meet the requirements of high throughput, high concurrency and high reliability, so distributed computing came into being. The distributed system uses the idea of divide-and-conquer, distributes the total storage and computation to multiple servers, so that the whole system can achieve higher performance. Today, companies of a certain size are researching and implementing distributed solutions to save costs while ensuring high performance. Distributed picture service appears along with the development of Internet. Large social networks such as Facebook, Tencent, large ecommerce platforms such as Taobao, JingDong, and other large online photo album services are heavily dependent on photo services. The number of images stored in the background of these websites has reached hundreds of billions of levels, so how to support the storage and processing of images on such a large scale has become an urgent problem. On the one hand, the Internet images have the characteristics of small and many, the traditional distributed file system like GFS is not suitable for the storage of such a large number of small files; on the other hand, the application of images often requires different versions of the same picture. How to enable the picture service to support the customized size of the picture is a practical issue. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study and implement a high performance distributed picture server system -WIMG.WIMG, which uses the traditional distributed Master/Slave architecture, uses distributed storage and distributed processing, and adopts the strategy of caching and saving new pictures. Can provide high performance picture services, the overall framework is stable and reliable, extensible. WIMG provides a simple and easy to use client interface, so that WIMG can be very convenient as a personal application or website system picture storage back end.
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