[Abstract]:With the development of network video transmission technology and wireless network technology, the demand for video service becomes more and more. How to accurately predict the user's experience quality based on the services provided is an urgent problem to be solved. On the one hand, the limitation of network resources and the error rate of channel make it a great challenge to accurately predict the experience quality of users watching video in network environment. The traditional quality of service (Quality of) is an objective evaluation index in the technical level, which can not directly reflect the users' true feelings about the quality of video services. On the other hand, in order to better control and manage the network traffic and ensure the quality of service of the network video, ensure the quality of the user's video experience, find out the high efficiency, Simple statistical feature combination has been the focus of research on the effective recognition and classification of network video services. The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, this paper introduces the theory of subjective quality evaluation and objective quality evaluation and the definition of video experience quality (quality of. This paper describes some existing methods of quality evaluation of user experience in video services. Then, the objective quality evaluation model and vector quantization algorithm proposed by ITU-T P.1201 are introduced in detail. According to the QoE prediction model of media stream perceived by ITU-T P.1201, this paper analyzes the video bitrate, average playback interrupt time and the number of playback interruptions of three kinds of resolution video services by using vector quantization algorithm. The effect of QoS parameters such as initial buffer time on user experience quality. For the prediction model, a comprehensive consideration is given to the individual audio score, the individual video score, the audio and video score, the playback interruption score, and the overall media segment score. In this paper, we study the probability density function (Probability Density) of three kinds of resolution video services about average opinion score (Mean Opinion ScoreMOS). Finally, this paper proposes a stream recognition and classification method based on the PDF mean feature of MOS value for three kinds of quality video services analyzed above. This method studies the recognition and classification of network video services using video MOS value correlation features. By considering the optimal feature subset of CON-GR feature selection method and the feature of PDF mean of MOS value in video traffic, the support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used to realize the fine-grained classification of three kinds of video: clear, high-definition and super-definition. Experimental results show that this method can achieve a higher accuracy of video classification.
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