[Abstract]:With the emergence of new applications in the Internet and the increasing demand for network services, the traditional TCP/IP-based Internet architecture shows a variety of inadaptability in mobility, scalability and other aspects, especially in the current growing number of applications such as digital media as the emerging distribution service model. To overcome the inadaptability between the current Internet architecture and new applications, researchers at home and abroad have proposed the idea of redesigning the future Internet architecture. As an important member of the future Internet architecture, Named Data Networking (NDN) has a complete routing protocol framework and hierarchical structure. Nomenclature rules have attracted much attention. In NDN, network nodes not only provide forwarding capabilities, but also storage capabilities. The addition of caches in routing nodes not only avoids duplicate data transmission in the network, but also adds intrinsic multipath characteristics to data transmission. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. Aiming at the disorder problem in the current NDN forwarding strategy, a forwarding strategy based on MDP (Markov Decision Processes) is proposed. In this strategy, the Markov decision process model of data forwarding decision process in a single node is proposed. In the MDP modeling process, the number of different classes of flows in each port is set as the system state to realize the joint perception of network content distribution and port state. 2. Aiming at the deficiency of common perception of network ports and content distribution in the current NDN forwarding strategy, Ben In this paper, a forwarding strategy based on decision tree is proposed, which divides the whole forwarding process into two parts: offline learning and online forwarding. The attribute information obtained in the online forwarding process is used for offline learning and the result of offline learning is used for online forwarding. The results of simulation show that: 1. MDP-based forwarding strategy outperforms BEST-ROUTE strategy and RANDOM strategy in delay performance, and distinguishes the importance of different flows; Compared with the six forwarding strategies such as IF, the forwarding strategy based on decision tree has good performance in delay and so on.
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