[Abstract]:The problem of team building based on social network is to construct a team in social network to accomplish the assigned task. In this article, we take into account time factors, task budget, task workflow and so on. These factors are critical to building a team, but previous social network-based team building issues did not take them into account. Team building issues with time constraints. In this question, we take time constraints into account in team building issues in order to make the team's work more efficient. So we set a time limit for each skill in the task, and if the expert can complete the skill within the specified time, then the expert will be considered for use, otherwise the expert will not be considered. Each expert needs to cooperate with each other in completing each skill, and it also takes a certain amount of communication time to communicate with each other. In this paper, these two time factors are taken into account, and a new cost model is called total cost by combining the time cost with the communication cost. The ultimate goal of this question is to build a team that not only covers all the skills required for the task, but also has to be within a specified time frame to complete each skill, while minimizing the overall cost of the team. Team building issues with budget and process constraints. In this question, we take the workflow and budget costs into account in team building. Task flow is the order in which each skill is completed in a task, and the time spent by different teams varies depending on the order of tasks. Time budgeting means that the built team must complete the task within the specified time and minimize communication costs. Communication budget refers to the completion of tasks within the budget and minimization of time spent. Given the ultimate purpose of any budget, the overall cost is minimized. The ultimate goal of this question is to build a team that can not only cover all the skills required for the task, but also complete the topologic skills within a given time frame and spend no more than a given budget on all aspects of the team. Ultimately minimize the overall cost. All the experiments in this paper are carried out on the DBLP data set, and finally our algorithms are validated.
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