[Abstract]:The disjoint multipath routing scheme has obvious advantages in load balancing and fault tolerance, but it has the disadvantage of high computational complexity, so it is difficult for the corresponding distributed algorithms to be deployed on a large scale in the network. By analyzing the characteristics of the software defined network, the feasibility of deploying disjoint path routing scheme in its network is demonstrated. Secondly, based on the properties of network flow and graph theory of disjoint paths, an algorithm for computing disjoint paths is designed and implemented. Finally, through a series of comparative experiments based on different network models, it is verified that the proposed algorithm has better load balance than the traditional shortest single path routing algorithm. Experimental results show that the performance of the algorithm is related to the load limit threshold of the link in the network.
【作者单位】: 福州大学网络信息安全与计算机技术国家级实验教学示范中心;福州大学数学与计算机科学学院;国网福建省电力有限公司信息通信分公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61300025) 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20123514120013) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2017J01753)
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