[Abstract]:Session initiation Protocol (Session Initiation Protocol,) has basic functions such as user registration, call process control, proxy mechanism and redirection mechanism. However, the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force,Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) devotes itself to the ease of use of the SIP protocol when designing the SIP protocol, and does not think too much about the security of the protocol. Therefore, the security problem of SIP protocol has been the key factor for the next generation network and information security to be threatened since its birth. The security problem of SIP protocol depends on the robustness of SIP protocol stack. The security problem of SIP protocol can be solved by digging out the implementation loophole in SIP protocol stack and solving it in time, which can guarantee the robustness of SIP protocol stack and solve the security problem of SIP protocol stack. In the related industry, most of the SIP protocol stack is exploited by fuzzy test method. Fuzzy test method can mine some vulnerabilities of SIP protocol stack. However, only using fuzzy test method, the test set is large, the invalid test cases are many, and the efficiency of vulnerability mining is low. In order to improve the efficiency of vulnerability mining in fuzzy testing, this paper introduces symbol execution in fuzzy testing, and proposes a method to mine vulnerabilities in SIP protocol stack. The method of mining vulnerabilities in SIP stack is based on the risk function to find the trigger point of the vulnerability, and then calculate the trigger path of the risk function by using the mixed depth and width traversal algorithm. Then we use symbol execution technology to determine the condition of vulnerability trigger and generate abnormal SIP signaling set according to the condition. Finally, the abnormal SIP signaling set is screened by test effect evaluation module. Thus, the abnormal SIP signaling set with more obvious test effect is obtained. Experimental results show that the proposed method not only enhances the pertinence of test data, but also improves the efficiency and accuracy of implementing vulnerability mining for SIP stack.
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