[Abstract]:The OpenFlow technology, which originated from Stanford University, has brought a revolution to the innovation of Internet. It separates the control function from the forwarding function in the traditional network, and adopts the centralized control mode and the streaming based forwarding mechanism. Allows physical devices to work programmatically after deployment, that is, "software defined networks." Because of these advantages of OpenFlow technology, it is considered to be a candidate for future Internet technology. Routing function is a necessary function of a network. However, due to the change of network architecture in OpenFlow network, the traditional fully distributed routing mechanism is not suitable. Therefore, after some exploration and research, this paper designs and implements a routing framework suitable for the hybrid environment of OpenFlow network and traditional network in the current scenario, compared with other routing schemes. This framework has the following characteristics: the centralized architecture adopted by the framework fits the design of the OpenFlow network. At the same time, it has the advantage of fast routing convergence. This framework opens up the API, of routing decision making it easier to improve and innovate. In this framework, OpenFlow network and traditional network can coexist. And the routing information can be exchanged through BGP protocol. After the prototype system is finished, we use the mininet platform and the Internet management and testing platform to carry out the verification test. The test results show that the system runs normally and achieves the expected design goal.
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