[Abstract]:The traditional DDoS detection and defense model is usually deployed between the network link and the protected target, and the statistical, computational and filtering functions of the detection defense model are concentrated on the security device side. The whole detection defense model does not utilize the computing power of network nodes. In this paper, by studying the common DDoS attack defense techniques, we choose a packet filter DDoS detection defense method based on abnormal traffic statistics, which can resist unknown DDoS attacks and hybrid DDoS attacks. On the basis of considering all kinds of existing DDoS attack defense technology, this paper presents a DDoS attack defense scheme based on NetFlow technology. This paper describes the technical features of using NetFlow to detect network DDoS abnormal traffic and to deploy DDoS defense mechanism in backbone network for statistical defense. Because of the lack of computing power of the node equipment in the backbone network, the traditional defense model can not effectively form a distributed connection combination to defend against large-scale DDoS attacks. The deployment of monitoring and defense mechanisms in backbone networks also affects the forwarding and control functions of the backbone network packets and affects the efficiency of filtering. In order to solve this core problem, this paper proposes to use the NetFlow statistical capability of network nodes and deploy them in the backbone network with the most suitable detection position, and the analytical calculation is deployed in the additional computing module. Finally, a hierarchical multi-threshold packet filtering DDoS defense model based on the threshold given by the calculation module is implemented directly at the firewall end. Thus, the functions of statistics, calculation and filtering are realized from centralized to separated hierarchical DDoS detection defense model. In the part of threshold generation, we choose the prevention mechanism based on traffic analysis and threshold strategy to judge the attack behavior by single threshold or double threshold. After the threshold is generated by NetFlow network traffic statistics, this paper proposes a feedback calculation algorithm for filtering threshold based on the verification filtering results and the design of recycling loop mechanism, thus realizing the real-time floating of filtering threshold of defense model. The multi-threshold discriminant is used to reduce the lag between the threshold generation and the network traffic, and to improve the sensitivity and filtering accuracy of the defense model as a whole. The network test in the campus network center shows that this hierarchical multi-threshold DDoS detection and defense model has high service efficiency and filtering accuracy when it faces normal network services and unknown and mixed DDoS attacks. It solves the problems of low service efficiency and low filtering precision of the traditional defense model.
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