[Abstract]:With the continuous occurrence of security incidents and the increasing threat degree in recent years, the harm of network security ranges from personal privacy to the government, and the national level of cyberspace security conflicts, it should be said that security events are becoming more and more serious. Based on this, the individual and the government also pay more and more attention to the problem of network security. The essence of network security is that there are vulnerabilities that can be exploited, so it is very important for network managers to manage and analyze vulnerabilities. At present, there are many kinds of vulnerability scanning tools in the market, and the compatibility is very poor. Single vulnerability scanning usually has high vulnerability false positives and false positives. Generally speaking, it is only responsible for vulnerability detection and preliminary repair, and is not the real vulnerability analysis and vulnerability management. It is still widely used that tools scan out reports and then manually integrate the inefficient process of vulnerability repair, and spend too much effort on the whole cycle from discovery to repair. The research and development of vulnerability management tool based on Web is described in this paper, which integrates the software vulnerability scanning tool which is commonly used in the market at present. The XML file exported by the vulnerability scanning tool is used as the data source of the analysis. By uploading to the vulnerability management tool, using Java Sax technology to parse the XML file, after parsing, the vulnerability information will be saved to the data storage device. The XML document structure of each vulnerability management result is analyzed, and the same vulnerability merging algorithm is written through the structural characteristics and characteristics of XML. The main principle description of the algorithm is to determine whether the dynamic scan of the vulnerability scanning tool or the static scan category, the type of vulnerability generation, the path information when the vulnerability occurs, and the parameter description of the vulnerability. Vulnerability official CWE number and other factors to determine whether the same vulnerability, the same vulnerability will be merged. In this way, the cost of vulnerability management is reduced, the efficiency is improved, and the problem of high false alarm rate of single scanning tool is reduced. By displaying the details of the vulnerability in the form of Web, you can view the overall situation of the vulnerability scan. Different damage levels and different colors can be highlighted. In the form of presentation, you can choose to give priority to displaying the vulnerability of the high level of vulnerability, and through the analysis of the vulnerability, Show the trend of vulnerability repair and highlight the application of the largest number of vulnerabilities, a specific vulnerability description details, repair progress, vulnerability review, security status at a glance. Facilitate site managers, project managers and security testers to make repair arrangements for the latest developments. We add the support to Bugzilla tools, realize the tracking and management of vulnerability defects, monitor the whole cycle of vulnerability detection, repair, closing, and respond to the state of vulnerability repair in time. Increased support for JasperReport tools, vulnerability analysis results can be downloaded to the local analysis, the results are more rich. Set up the test target machine in the local area, carry on the vulnerability scan and the result import of the multiple tools, parse and upload the file successfully and display the details of the vulnerability and the details of the specific vulnerability, and successfully realize the merge of some of the same vulnerabilities. The vulnerability lifecycle defect tracking management is successfully implemented, and downloading to the local file also has a certain guidance for vulnerability analysis and repair. Basic implementation of vulnerability management tools requirements function.
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