[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of network scale and the rapid development of network technology, malicious code attacks show the characteristics of professionalism, profitability and organization, which bring huge hidden trouble to computer security and network security. Therefore, malicious code must be detected to avoid damage to computers and networks and to ensure that the interests of individuals and businesses are not compromised. In this paper, the detection method of malicious code based on rule matching is deeply studied, and the detection rules based on frequency statistics and the high speed single pattern matching algorithm are proposed. The main research contents are as follows: 1. The detection and optimization method of abnormal network behavior is proposed. In order to improve the detection efficiency of malicious code, it is necessary to ensure that the rule set used in rule-based detection system is as small as possible and effective. Therefore, this paper firstly refines the detection rules of Snort system, optimizes the detection rule tree, and then calculates the matching frequency of the rules in the rule tree. The three rule subsets under each port are further divided into common subsets and non-common subsets, thus a smaller and more effective rule set is constructed. 2. A high speed single pattern matching algorithm is proposed. Based on the analysis of BM algorithm, a high speed single pattern matching algorithm is proposed. The experimental results show that the HSPM algorithm can achieve the same recognition rate as the BMH algorithm and the SBM algorithm with less time and matching times by combining the BMH algorithm and the SBM algorithm. 3. The prototype verification system of malicious code based on QEMU is implemented. First, the virtual test network is built by modifying the QEMU source code, then the three modules of the prototype verification system based on rule matching are implemented. Finally, the performance of the system is tested from four aspects. The test results show that the system achieved the predetermined design goals and requirements.
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