[Abstract]:With the coming of 4G era of communication industry, mobile cloud platform welcomes large capacity value-added services, and demands the timeliness of IDC cloud platform more and more. Therefore, it is inevitable to optimize the IDC business process and resource management mechanism. In order to meet the upgrade requirements of IDC platform, after comprehensive evaluation, the best feasible scheme is to connect with the provincial public cloud platform, and add modules on the basis of it, in order to solve the existing problems. Before launching the IDC platform to connect with the public cloud service platform, we have done a detailed and comprehensive survey, the purpose is to meet the current needs while reserving as reasonable an extended interface and modules as possible. To cope with the future demand for huge data storage and cloud services to bring connectivity business growth. As the public service cloud platform has been upgraded and expanded many times, we are constantly adapting to the various extraneous interfaces and docking rules. This paper focuses on the actual project as the prototype, corresponding to the practical problems put forward solutions to solve the cloud system to the terminal application level of resource allocation, monitoring, scheduling, billing, business statistics analysis, value-added services and other issues. At the beginning of the project, the main purpose of the project is to improve the efficiency of backstage support and the visualization of analysis and statistics, to change the low efficiency situation such as manual orders from the front desk, electronic flow triggered by backstage personnel, manual allocation of resources after receiving orders from the network center. With the improvement of the project integration requirements, the subsequent docking billing system and customer-oriented value-added service portal are also developed. The article runs through the logical thinking of the whole project, from the introduction of cloud computing based on the project, to the system framework under the mobile cloud system, to the structure and construction of the public cloud service platform, and then takes the provincial public cloud service platform as the foundation. Aiming at one of the actual business bottlenecks, the project design is carried out so that the application of the IDC cloud platform will eventually fall to the ground.
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