[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology, Internet has become an important infrastructure in people's life and work. In order to solve the rigid problem of current network architecture, network virtualization technology has received extensive attention in academic circles. In order to better manage and run network virtualization environment, we need a network virtualization management platform. The network virtualization management platform integrates many management and scheduling functions in the network virtualization environment to facilitate network operators and users to manage and use the network virtualization environment. In order to ensure the stability of application and service operation in network virtualization environment, it is necessary to design and implement a fault recovery module in network virtualization management platform. The main work of this paper is to design and implement the fault recovery module of the network virtualization management platform, which is one of the core function modules in the network virtualization management platform. It mainly solves the problem of virtual network fault recovery caused by the failure of the underlying physical link. This paper first studies two kinds of fault recovery strategies, namely, active fault recovery strategy and passive fault recovery strategy. The active fault recovery strategy computes a backup path for each virtual link, and if a link fails, Simply migrate the link to the backup path, call the passive fault recovery strategy if the link does not have an appropriate backup path, and analyze the resource types and properties in the network virtualization environment, The network resource model is constructed, and the model supports the execution of fault recovery strategy. According to the flow of fault recovery, the fault recovery module is divided into six functional points, namely virtual request customization, basic scheduling, link backup, and so on. Then, based on the fault recovery strategy and resource model, according to the software engineering method, the function points of the fault recovery module are analyzed and designed in sequence. Detailed design and functional implementation; at last, the function of the fault recovery module is tested.
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