[Abstract]:With the popularity of the Internet, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of the network. The generation of SDN decoupled control and forwarding, enhanced the authority of artificial control network, and provided the possibility for flexible deployment of services and remote control of network components. However, the commercial rate of SDN network is low, and most of the achievements are only in the stage of laboratory research. The design of user-oriented application layer is less, but in the future SDN business needs more flexible control function, SDN collaborative system is user-oriented, so it is very necessary to study cooperative system based on SDN multi-controller. In this paper, the frame structure of SDN collaborative system based on OpenDaylight northward interface (REST API) is designed, and the global topology of SDN collaborative system is displayed. According to the advantages of SDN architecture, the flow engineering of application layer is studied, and the energy-saving algorithm is proposed to realize the comprehensive optimization of traffic network. The main achievements are as follows: (1) the framework of SDN collaborative system is designed. Mininet custom network topology is used to realize the connection between the underlying topology and the dual controllers. JavaScript calls the SDN controller north to the REST API interface to process and draw the JSON data, including reduplication, layout, and so on. The function of global topology display of SDN cooperative system is realized. (2) A new traffic optimization algorithm based on SDN application layer is proposed by taking advantage of the special advantage of global topology of SDN network. Based on the idea of energy saving, the algorithm is simulated on Matlab platform, and the branches and nodes with less traffic are closed. Among the results of this algorithm, we can see that the algorithm can find nodes and links with no traffic and less traffic, and can close the nodes and links conveniently, and realize the goal of traffic optimization in SDN networks.
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