[Abstract]:WebView is an important component on both Android and iOS, allowing (apps), a smartphone and tablet app, to embed a simple but powerful browser in it. To satisfy the good interaction between an application and its embedded browser, WebView provides a number of APIs (Application programming Interface) that allow the application's java code to invoke the javascript code in the Web page, get the other party's event information, or change their events. Vice versa is still feasible. With these features, applications can become a proprietary browser for their desired network use. Today, in the Android market, nearly 90 percent of the top 20 apps in 10 different categories use WebView. WebView designs to change the status quo of Web, especially in terms of security. WebView and its APIs. Two basic aspects of Web security infrastructure are weakened: client TCB (trusted Computing Base) and browser-side sandbox (sandboxie protection). We divide the APIs of WebView into two categories, that is, APIs based on Web and APIs, based on UI. Then we study the most fundamental problem of WebView attack, and develop a general model, which we call container threat model. We believe that this attack is possible because the system fails to protect its visual integrity. From this point of view, we study the existing countermeasures, and give a general solution, develop a similar TCB method to solve this problem, we call it TDB (trusted display Base). We use edge channels to transmit lost visual information to the user. From the point of view of access control, we use a dynamic binding policy model to enable the server to perform different restrictions according to client scenarios. The main research results of this paper are as follows: 1. The attack based on WebView is summarized. 2. Propose a container threat model and try to counter it on Android. 3. 3. Side channels are used to transmit lost visual information to users on Android platform, and a new dynamic binding strategy model is proposed to prevent attacks against visual integrity.
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