[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet economy, the Internet has become a new engine to drive the development of the national economy. How to provide Internet information services for more users quickly and better has become a key problem faced by Internet basic service providers. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the relationship between Internet service providers driven by business interests and needs for understanding the topology, performance, evolution and dynamics of the Internet. Firstly, the cooperative relationship between AS in Internet topology is analyzed. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for inferring the relationship between AS based on the index of node centricity. The algorithm inferred the P2C and P2P relationships between AS based on factional network, node meshes and AS path triples. The CAIDA algorithm can avoid the error of P terminal transmission degree less than C terminal transmission degree inference, and its calculation process is better than CAIDA algorithm. Based on the real AS relation data, the accuracy of the AS interrelation inference algorithm based on the central index of node number is as follows: P2C is 99.5 and P2P is 99.1. At the same time, the algorithm and the CAIDA algorithm both use the factional network and AS path triples, so the overall accuracy of the algorithm is higher than that of the GAO,XIA,UCLA algorithm. Then, the hierarchy of AS level Internet topology is studied. First of all, based on the overall evolution trend of AS level network, the evolution of network nodes and edges is observed, and the growth trend of each region of AS level Internet macro topology structure is studied according to the number of AS registrations in different regions. Found that the development of the network in North America and Europe led to the current growth of the Internet. Secondly, from the point of view of network structure, the characteristics of network entropy, network depth, network core and network agglomeration are studied, and the hierarchical evolution of AS network topology is analyzed. The results show that the AS level Internet topology is developing towards flat hierarchy. Thirdly, we construct a top-down conical hierarchy, which starts with factional network nodes and is connected by P2C relation. Finally, the conical hierarchical structure is analyzed from factional network, node hierarchical distribution, P2C/P2P hierarchical connection preference, node degree connectivity preference and so on. The following conclusions are obtained from the evolution results of four aspects: there is a stable factional network on the Internet; The hierarchical distribution of the number of nodes follows the positive skew distribution, and the lower the level is, the smaller the maximum degree of the node is; P2C is inclined to the high-level connection between the two conical hierarchies, and P2P to the cross-layer connection within the conical hierarchy. The node degree distribution of P2C/P2P connections follows the power law distribution. Finally, a hierarchical connection preference modeling method is proposed. Based on the characteristics of node and edge dynamic growth, hierarchical structure, hierarchical and node degree preference connection and P2C/P2P business relationship, a hierarchical preference connection based on hierarchical preference connection (HPA.) is proposed. Through a large number of network simulation experiments and results analysis, it is found that the HPA network model well reflects the dynamic, hierarchical, preference and commercial relationship of the Internet.
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