[Abstract]:The national industrialization level is higher and higher, the air quality actually drops year by year. Every day of the PM2.5 index, has become the focus of attention. Based on the characteristics that PM2.5 detection method is too single, the cost of testing station is expensive, and the flexibility is poor, the concept of "participatory perception" is applied to the "environment detection platform based on participatory perception". Make full use of the intelligent terminal equipment in the hands of each user, collect, process the picture data and upload to the server; The server is responsible for processing and parsing the collected data, that is, the PM2.5 value in the picture can be obtained. After data acquisition and processing, how to store the data and display it in the way of rich data visualization has become a very worth studying content. The Web data visualization subsystem uses the Web data visualization. Big data storage, data fusion and other technologies have completed the visual display of PM2.5 data stored in Hbase database. At the same time, the user management data visualization module has been designed to display and manage the user data. Firstly, in the introduction, the main research objectives of the environment detection platform based on participatory perception are introduced, and the main work of this paper is further introduced. Then, the related theories and techniques used in the design and implementation of the web data visualization subsystem based on the participatory perception environment detection platform are described in detail in this paper. Then it describes the design and implementation of the data visualization subsystem of the web end of the environment detection platform based on the participatory perception. On this basis, the requirement analysis, the outline design and the detailed design of the main modules of the system are completed. Then describes the specific implementation of each sub-module; Then it describes the functional test of the whole system, and summarizes the full text.
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