[Abstract]:With the rapid popularization and development of the Internet and the increasing attention paid by global researchers to anonymity and privacy security, anonymous communication technology has gradually become the focus of attention. Researchers in the field of anonymity also need to pay attention to the performance of anonymous system while protecting the privacy information of user identity from being leaked. The second generation onion routing system (The Second Generation Onion Router,Tor) is the most popular anonymous privacy solution as an anonymous communication system on the Internet to protect user identity privacy information. However, with the increasing number of Tor users and the growing scale of Tor network, people pay more and more attention to the anonymity of Tor at the same time, so this paper mainly analyzes and evaluates the performance of Tor. The improved Tor routing scheme RTT-Tor and the file breakpoint continuation scheme FBC-Tor. in dark network are also proposed. In this paper, the theoretical basis of Tor is summarized, and the network architecture, cache queue structure, onion unit structure, anonymity principle, hiding service and directory server of Tor are reviewed respectively. Then the source code is analyzed in detail, and the whole structure of the source code, the main functions of each code module and the calling relationship between the modules are studied. On the basis of analyzing the source code, In this paper, we have studied the schemes or suggestions of routing improvement proposed by academic circles in recent ten years, and summarized the current typical routing improvement algorithms. Secondly, we use the simulation tools Shadow and TorPS to evaluate the performance of the current routing algorithm, and analyze the performance problem and anonymity of the algorithm in the case of network congestion. Aiming at the performance problem of the algorithm in network congestion, an improved routing scheme based on link round trip delay (RTT-Tor,) is proposed. Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed scheme can improve the performance and the possible anonymous discount problem. Finally, by analyzing the design principle of Tor dark network (hidden service), we put forward the file breakpoint continuation scheme FBC-Tor. in the dark network. In this scheme, the user can not only transfer files anonymously in the Tor dark network, but also in the process of file transfer, after the next successful connection is established, if the file transfer is interrupted because of the network paralysis and so on. Can achieve file breakpoint continuation, that is, from the last file transfer interrupt location to continue to transfer the file. This can protect the user's identity and privacy information from disclosure, and improve the performance of Tor.
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