[Abstract]:In recent years, malicious attacks on the Internet occur frequently, and the number of attack samples captured by major security platforms is increasing. Sample analysis has become the focus of Internet security research. A key link in sample analysis is vulnerability verification. Vulnerability verification is to verify whether the sample exploits the software vulnerability to attack. The specific verification content includes vulnerability type and attack means. Traditional vulnerability verification usually adopts manual analysis, but manual analysis has the problems of low efficiency and high cost, so it is very meaningful to study a new method of vulnerability automatic verification to alleviate these problems. In order to meet this requirement, this paper presents a new method for automated verification of large numbers of samples based on dynamic analysis technology, and designs and implements the prototype of the verification system. Vulnerability automatic verification method can be divided into two aspects: environment building and verification rule design. In this paper, the following research is carried out: 1. In this paper, two main problems of environmental construction are studied. One is to verify the vulnerability of a single sample, the other is how to construct a scheme to meet the complex requirements of the required environment when the sample type is complex. In this paper, the characteristics of a single environment are summarized and formalized. On this basis, the environment construction scheme of vulnerability automatic verification is put forward. The scheme adopts the method of distributing samples to the environment cluster to improve the success rate of environment matching. Furthermore, in order to solve the problem of high cost of environment cluster building, this paper proposes a software environment set partition algorithm, which reduces the cost of environment building without reducing the accuracy of vulnerability verification. This paper studies the automatic verification rules for buffer overflow vulnerabilities and ROP attacks. By analyzing the feature of function return address when buffer overflow vulnerability is triggered, a rule based on function return address matching is proposed to verify whether the sample triggered the buffer overflow vulnerability. By constructing a large number of ROP attack chains and analyzing the length characteristics of Gadget in the chain and the behavior characteristics of the two instructions before the Ret instruction in Gadget, a hybrid detection scheme for ROP attacks based on statistical rules and behavioral rules is proposed. 3. According to the merits and demerits of dynamic analysis technology under different platforms, the technology based on debugger and dynamic pile insertion is selected to set up the environment cluster and realize the prototype system of automatic verification of vulnerability. The actual attack samples are used to test the system's function and performance. The test results show that the system has lower false alarm rate and better performance.
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