[Abstract]:In the traditional intrusion detection based on SVM, prior knowledge is used in kernel function construction and feature selection, which has the problems of low accuracy and low efficiency. Through the combination of information entropy theory and SVM algorithm, the SVM intrusion detection algorithm based on information entropy can improve the accuracy of intrusion detection and improve the efficiency of intrusion detection. The SVM intrusion detection algorithm based on information entropy includes two aspects: on the one hand, according to the user information entropy and variance included in the sample, the sample features are unified and measured by whether the feature belongs to the confidence interval. The obtained confidence vector of the sample feature as the construction parameter of the SVM kernel function can not only guarantee the correspondence between the training sample set and the optimal classification surface, but also obtain the maximum classification interval required for intrusion detection. On the other hand, the amount of user information contained in the sample is used as a measure to reduce the sample feature subset by a large margin, which not only reduces the size of the sample calculation, but also improves the training speed of the classifier. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the traditional SVM algorithm in intrusion detection system.
【作者单位】: 中国科学技术大学自动化系;中国人民解放军保密委员会技术安全研究所;
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