[Abstract]:With the development of Web2.0, users can upload text, images, audio, video, and so on through social media to share their status or content of interest. The user's forwarding behavior makes the information spread at an index level, which is much higher than the propagation speed of the traditional media, so the social media has gradually replaced the traditional news media as an important channel for the public to obtain information. The most basic of the social media is the text message, which contains not only the substantive content, but also the user's evaluation of things or events, and the evaluation of the user's feelings. The emotion is spread with the text information through the user's forwarding behavior. According to the emotional infection theory of psychology, the emotion is very easy to be infected with each other among the users, which causes a wide range of attention and discussion among the public. This article mainly focuses on the deep analysis and study of the four aspects of the emotional communication in the social media. A user influence ranking algorithm based on emotional consistency is proposed to find the opinion leader. The algorithm mainly studies the influence of the emotion and the original emotion in the forwarding process. The concept of the emotion-consistent value is used to indicate the degree of the user's consistency with the original micro-emotion in the forwarding process, and the concept of the emotion-consistent weight is proposed to indicate the degree of the relationship between the two users in the forwarding process. according to the characteristics of the user, the user can be divided into three categories: leaf nodes, users of the leaf nodes and the remaining nodes. the influence of the leaf node is 0; the influence of the user with the degree of the leaf node is mainly from the emotion consistent value of the degree user; and the influence of the residual node is from the influence of the degree user and the emotion consistent value of the degree user. The validity of the model is verified through the sina microbo data set. An independent cascade model based on the change of emotion is proposed to solve the problem of maximizing the influence of the positive society. The model of maximizing the influence of social influence is based on the experimental results of the information transmission model, and the process of interpreting the influence based on the information transmission model based on the change of emotion is put forward. The information dissemination process is as follows: At the initial stage of the information dissemination, the user never knows the information to hold forward or negative feelings at a certain probability. Then, as more and more users in the network participate in the forwarding of information, the user interacts with each other, that is, the user decides whether to change the initial emotion with a certain probability. the positive influence is calculated when the user no longer has a user changing the emotion. The information dissemination model verifies the validity of the model through the real social media data. The independent cascade model based on the change of emotion is applied to three real networks to calculate the positive influence. By contrast with the existing algorithm, the independent cascade model based on the change of emotion can get the maximum positive influence. An emotion prediction model based on emotional consistency is proposed to improve the accuracy of the prediction target emotion. The model puts forward the concept of mass emotion to express the emotion of the general public in the comments, and puts forward the concept of the public sentiment consistency to show the degree of the user's agreement with the general public. The user can be divided into three categories based on the public emotional consistency: the independent user, the approval user and the initial user. The independent user represents a user with a small influence with the general public, that is, a user with a small general feeling consistency value, and a user who agrees with the general public feeling, that is, a user with a large emotional consistency value; the initial user indicates that there is no history of history to analyze the user associated with the general sentiment. The emotion prediction algorithm based on the emotion consistency combines the emotion of the public, the personal emotion, the friend emotion and the quasi-friend emotion to predict the target emotion. For different types of users, different emotion combinations are used for emotional prediction. The results show that the model is better than the existing model. Two emotion-based information transmission models are proposed to study the transmission process of different emotions in social networks: an emotional-based epidemic model and an emotion-based independent cascade model. The difference between the two models is whether the emotion changes in the process of emotional communication. In the model of the infectious disease based on emotion, it is assumed that the emotion does not change in the course of the transmission, and the model proposes that the weight based on the emotion indicates the forwarding strength between the user and the user for some kind of emotion. The emotion-based independent cascade model assumes that the emotion changes in the course of propagation. The model divides the emotion propagation into three parts: first, the concept of the forward probability is proposed to study whether the information containing the emotion is forwarded; secondly, whether the emotion is changed after the emotion is forwarded by using the machine learning algorithm; and thirdly, The concept of transformation weight is proposed to study the emotion if it changes after being forwarded. The results show that the performance of the independent cascade model based on emotion is better.
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