[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, the application of information technology has increasingly penetrated into every corner of society and economy, such as government, enterprises, organizations, military, family, individuals, etc., and has increasingly profoundly changed people's traditional work model, business model, and so on. Management model and life model. With the rapid development and comprehensive application of information technology, the importance of information security is becoming more and more prominent. The banking industry is more prominent in the importance of information security, especially through Internet, a public resource and the use of relevant technologies to achieve the safety, convenience and friendly connection of online banking between banks and customers. Customers have the right to demand that banks have the ability to ensure the safety of users' funds. And various security problems in the specific application of online banking have seriously affected the satisfaction of users with this means, in this regard, In the construction of online banking system, the overall consideration of security is in line with the needs of the business system. In recent years, attacks on the online banking system have never stopped. These attacks are not only a simple problem of information system paralysis, their direct consequences are huge economic losses, but also caused irreparable damage to the reputation and image of the attacked banks. If the economic losses can be compensated, the public credit crisis over commercial banks caused by the fragility of the information network is not likely to recover in a short period of time. Based on the analysis of the current situation of online banking security system in commercial banks, this paper puts forward the design scheme of online banking security system, including system topology structure, system area division, logical structure, application level security, and so on. Bug repair and upgrade scheme, etc. The scheme mentioned in this paper provides technical reference for network security planning and construction of commercial bank on-line bank, and provides design basis for compiling detailed plan and implementing process. The network security construction scheme of the banking online banking system involved is to carry on the security technical system planning from the whole, consider the security construction of the online banking system comprehensively from all levels, establish the standard unification, the safety norm, Efficient and reliable online banking network and application security planning platform.
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