[Abstract]:With the rapid development of computer and network communication technology, computer viruses, Trojan horses and network hackers threaten the security of the network all the time. In an open or semi-open network environment (such as Internet,Intranet), how to guarantee the authenticity of identity, the confidentiality and integrity of data and the non-repudiation of behavior and other basic information security problems are electronic transactions, especially electronic commerce. E-government comprehensive popularization and application of the prerequisites. This paper describes the use of PKI technology to build a unified identity authentication platform in the State Grid Corporation, by providing authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation services, first of all, a set of application security support platform system is constructed. The system provides centralized management, identity authentication, access control, responsibility assurance services for operating system, network system and application system, realizes the identity authentication of users and users' information resources to the state power grid company. The "unified login" of the application system (that is, the user can access the application system and information resources within his or her authority on one login). Secondly, the integrated security gateway (UTM) is deployed at the entrance of the internal network to ensure the data security from the Internet to the provincial corporate intranets. UTM has the characteristics of high performance, green and low carbon, set firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), anti-virus, Internet behavior management, intranet security, anti-spam, anti-denial of service (Anti-DoS), content filtering, NetFlow and other security technologies in one, while fully supporting routing protocols, QoS, high availability (HA), Log audit and other functions provide a comprehensive and real-time security protection for the network boundary.
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