[Abstract]:There are hundreds of millions of users active in Weibo media every day. These users can generate a lot of information every day. Facing such a huge information flow, many users can not find the information they are interested in quickly and efficiently. In Weibo media, users get information mainly by focusing on other users, so in order to obtain custom information flow of interest to themselves, Users decide whether to pay attention to other users by judging whether they are interested in publishing information. The link prediction problem on Weibo media is fundamentally by recommending friends to users to provide users with customized information services of interest to them. In this paper, we hope to study the characteristics of information diffusion in Weibo network combined with the characteristics of network structure to predict the link, and propose a node similarity link prediction algorithm based on Weibo information diffusion. Classification link prediction algorithm based on information diffusion and random walk link prediction algorithm based on information diffusion. The node similarity link prediction algorithm based on Weibo information diffusion is an improved scheme based on node similarity recommendation method in traditional social networks, which combines the information diffusion characteristics in Weibo media network with common concern. The network structure characteristic attributes such as common fans are used to calculate the node similarity, and the nodes with high similarity are selected and recommended to the target users. The link prediction algorithm of classifiers based on information diffusion hopes to classify the information diffusion characteristics and structural features of users and recommend the recommended users as a set to the target users. The random walk algorithm based on information diffusion calculates the probability that the target node walks randomly to any node in the probability graph model, and sorts it according to the probability value to get the recommended list. From the experimental results, it can be seen that the classification algorithm with supervised machine learning is the best, followed by node similarity algorithm and random walk algorithm. At the same time, The link prediction algorithm based on information diffusion feature can obtain better effect than the traditional method, which proves the significance of information diffusion feature in social network link prediction.
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