[Abstract]:Spam takes up a lot of limited storage, computing and network resources, which affects and interferes with the normal working life of users. At the same time, phishing mail is a special spam, which deceives the recipient account, password and other information. The harm is gradually increasing. Spam is full of the Internet, which greatly reduces the efficiency of network operation. It is very difficult to control spam from the source and transmission of spam. Based on the harm of spam to enterprise users, in order to solve the problem that employees are free from spam and phishing mail in the use of enterprise mailbox, the function realization of key technologies related to anti-spam is studied. It is very necessary to design and implement an enterprise-oriented anti-spam gateway system. Based on the analysis of the research status of related key technologies, this paper focuses on the mail filtering technology and the updating mechanism of filtering classifiers. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. In this paper, the text classification method winnow algorithm based on machine learning feedback is used to automatically filter and determine the received mail according to the classifiers, and the characteristics of phishing links are analyzed at the same time. Through the phishing mail filtering method based on URL domain name and the method of domain name whitelist similarity of URL, the comprehensive filtering of phishing links in mail is realized. 2, In this paper, an update mechanism of mail classifiers based on user feedback and honeypot technology is proposed, which uses honeypot technology to collect spam. At the same time, through the feedback of users to the spam isolated by the anti-spam gateway and the normal mail in the enterprise mailbox, the mail set is extracted to provide the mail set for the regular automatic update of the classifier. By using the latest mail sample set to train the classifiers, the classifiers can better determine the categories of new mail. 3, the design scheme of the front and background modules of the enterprise-oriented anti-spam gateway system is studied. The front desk includes system management, basic configuration, isolation area management, log management and other functional modules, background includes main control module, mail reception, original mail parsing, mail content analysis, phishing mail detection, mail forwarding, honeypot technology, In this paper, the design, implementation and test of each module of the system are described in detail, and the typical application scenarios are given. To sum up, this paper designs and implements an enterprise-oriented anti-spam gateway system. Through the research of the key technologies of the subject, not only from the point of view of improving the accuracy of spam filtering to improve the recognition ability of email filtering gateway, Moreover, an update mechanism of mail classifiers based on user feedback and honeypot technology is designed, which ensures the optimal recognition ability of the classifiers and improves the overall spam recognition rate of the gateway system through continuous learning and training. Through the design and research of this paper, we can filter the mail in and out of the enterprise in real time, reduce the bandwidth occupation of the enterprise network to a certain extent, ensure the stable operation of the mail server, and reduce the threat of spam and phishing mail to the enterprise network.
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