[Abstract]:The development of computer technology has brought about the sudden increase of all kinds of data, and how to transmit a large number of data stably, quickly and safely has become the focus of current research. With the development of various embedded technologies, the design forms of secure Gigabit Ethernet are also various. From the simplest single chip microcomputer to the ARM processor which needs more complex embedded software programming, to the FPGA, based on hardware logic, the secure Gigabit Ethernet function can be realized. Among a series of implementation methods, FPGA has unique advantages in the design of miniaturized equipment because of its high integration, parallelism design, design flexibility and so on. This paper introduces a design method of secure Gigabit Ethernet based on FPGA. The hardware platform of secure Gigabit Ethernet is designed by using FPGA logic, and the encryption transmission of data is realized by combining the embedded software part of FPGA. In this paper, the technical theoretical basis used in the design is introduced, including the internal structure characteristics of FPGA, the implementation basis and concrete structure of AES algorithm, and the simplified TCP/IP protocol stack model used. The MAC controller and PHY chip are deeply studied. On this basis, a custom data link layer IP core based on MAC controller is designed, and the custom asynchronous AXI-FIFO is used to ensure the integrity and reliability of the data in the process of cross-clock domain transmission. In order to ensure the security of the data, the custom AES algorithm IP core is used in the system. In order to ensure the key security of AES algorithm encryption and decryption, combined with the characteristics of FPGA hardware design, the oscillator is used to generate true random numbers as encryption and decryption keys. In order to save the logic resources of FPGA, the AES encryption and decryption modules are processed uniformly by module reuse. On the basis of completing the design of the key hardware module, the source code of LWIP is ported, and the code related to the underlying network interface is redesigned according to the design needs. In the application layer, a custom data receiving and sending function is designed and implemented, and the received data is printed and verified. Finally, in order to debug the system conveniently, the hardware module is tested modularize. When the custom IP core test case is designed, the TestBech test case is designed to generate the data to be sent. After the custom IP core test is successful, then the board level test of the system is carried out. Through board level test, it is proved that the Gigabit Ethernet designed in this paper can realize the encrypted transmission of data, and by analyzing the resource loss in FPGA, we can get that the design does not use any special embedded IP core, and obviously reduces the consumption of logic resources in FPGA.
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