[Abstract]:With the popularization of the Internet and the rise and development of the Web development technology, the Web application has become one of the most important Internet applications, and plays a very important role in all fields. The security of Web application has been widely concerned by the research and industry. The security hole of Web application is the most important battlefield of the defense and defense, and how to effectively identify the security holes in the Web application, that is, the detection of the vulnerability, is the core problem in the field of Web security. According to whether the detected program is to be run, the vulnerability detection technology can be divided into a static vulnerability detection technology and a dynamic vulnerability detection technology. The static vulnerability detection technology and the dynamic vulnerability detection technology face many challenges. The technique of static vulnerability detection is usually too high to improve the accuracy of the static hole detection, and the performance of the method is one of the key challenges to the detection of the static vulnerability. The static vulnerability detection usually uses the program analysis technique to find the security problem of the Web application. However, due to the nature of the Web application, traditional program analysis techniques cannot be used directly for static vulnerability detection. The dynamic vulnerability detection technology based on the fuzzy test has the advantage of low error rate. However, due to the randomness of the input vector, the code coverage of the fuzzy test is low, and it is difficult to find a hidden vulnerability in the program. The test input generation method based on the hybrid execution can improve the code coverage of the fuzzy test. However, the modern Web application logic is complex, large in scale, and is faced with the problem of path explosion when traversing up to the execution path. In this paper, the problems and challenges facing the detection and dynamic vulnerability detection of the Web application are discussed, and the key technologies such as the local call graph generation, the input verification vulnerability detection and the path search in the mixed execution of the Web application are studied. The main contribution of this paper is as follows:1. In order to support the process-to-process analysis in the static vulnerability detection, the paper presents a local call graph generation method for Web application aiming at the problem of low efficiency of all-program analysis and the missing of the Web application library code. The analysis object of this method is the application part code of the Web application, the signature of the method in the library part code referenced by the application part, the domain of the class and the class hierarchy. First, the memory location in the program is abstracted by using the mixed-stack model, and the abstract memory location of the application part and the library part is distinguished. Then, using the rule to model the interaction behavior of the application part and the library related to the pointer, and the pointer information of the library part code is deduced. Finally, a pointer to the collection is maintained for the library portion, the library callback edge is parsed using the set, and the abstract object that returns to the application portion pointer to the set is limited. The experimental results show that the operation time of the method is 4.9 times and 13.7 times faster than that of werroes and Spark, and the integrity and accuracy of the local call graph can be guaranteed to a certain extent. In this paper, an input verification vulnerability detection method based on static information flow tracking technology is presented in this paper. First, an integrated pointer analysis is used to identify the dependency of the data in the heap and the alias relationship between the variables. And then, the data dependency relation summary of the method in the program is analyzed through the data flow in the process, and the efficiency of the inter-process analysis is improved. Finally, a two-way data flow analysis technique is proposed to keep track of information flow and shorten the path length of the spot data. This paper implements this method on the open source static code analysis tool FindBugs and verifies the method on the reference program SecuriBench. The experimental results show that the method can improve the detection accuracy of the input verification vulnerability without significantly reducing the performance of the static hole detection method. In order to solve the problem of the path explosion, a path search strategy is proposed in this paper. The search strategy estimates the code coverage of each branch of the test program in real time, and selects the branch with the lowest coverage to continue to explore the execution. The experimental results show that the route search strategy can effectively mitigate the path explosion problem of the hybrid execution and support the code coverage of the dynamic vulnerability detection technology based on the fuzzy test.
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