[Abstract]:Since the operation and maintenance management system of China Postal Information Network was put into use in 2007, the first and second phase construction has realized the operation and maintenance management function of Postal Information Network respectively. since 2010, with the continuous expansion of operation and maintenance management business function, the pressure of the system has increased, and the stability and performance of the system have been unable to meet the needs of the development of Postal Information Network. It is necessary to redesign the original system architecture, improve the overall efficiency, flexibility and stability of the operation and maintenance management system of China Post Information Network, and meet the needs of the management and operation and maintenance of the postal information network, so as to reduce the cost of system operation and maintenance and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. The daily monitoring and maintenance of the center includes the monitoring and maintenance of the software, hardware system and application software of the application server and the database server. According to the needs of the development of postal information network, a unified monitoring platform system is designed and implemented to meet the requirements of the operation and maintenance network management system of postal information network, so as to realize the integrated monitoring and management of IT resources in the integrated network, so as to ensure the stable, efficient and secure operation of the IT system and ensure the continuity and stability of the business system. The unified monitoring platform proposed in this paper includes: monitoring center, message center, collection center, user interaction, data storage. In this paper, different communication protocols are used to monitor and collect the basic information, performance information and abnormal information of the integrated network host, magnetic array, optical fiber switch, encryption machine, network, database, middleware, application system, security system, computer room environment and so on, and the platform is based on the principle of graphics technology and adopts the multi-layer subgraph technology described by XML to realize the processing of the mesh data structure. The subscription and publishing mechanism of message middleware is used to complete the data transmission and publishing, and the open management Bean (MBean) technology is adopted to unify the new management objects as Mbean, to reduce the impact on the existing structure of the system and to realize the extensibility of the management objects. The above monitoring platform is deployed and implemented in the national center and provincial center, which effectively realizes the monitoring and management equipment, reduces the pressure of operation and maintenance, establishes an efficient operation and maintenance system, ensures the stable, efficient and safe operation of the IT system, and ensures the continuity and stability of the postal business system.
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