本文关键词: 《钱基博集》 出版座谈会 发言稿 出处:《湖南科技学院学报》2016年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:November 25th afternoon. The symposium on the publication of the new book "Qianjibo", edited by Fu Hongxing, an associate researcher of our university, was held as scheduled at the Xiaocheng Hall of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Hunan University of Science and Technology. The forum had the privilege of inviting famous experts in the academic history of Chinese literature in China. Professor Wang Wei, Vice Dean of the School of Arts, Central China normal University, is here to guide you. Professor Wang's speech is a strategic one. Professor Wang Wei came from Mr. Qian Jibo's 11 years of teaching at Central China normal University, where both undergraduate and graduate students studied, returned to their alma mater after graduation, and taught for more than a decade. Reading his book and wanting to see him as a man, he naturally had a special feeling for this ancient man of Gui Yuan. In his speech, he said, "as a scholar, I have learned about Mr. Qian Jibo's knowledge and knowledge." Study with deep respect. As a Chinese teacher, read Mr. Qian Jibo's treatise, the mood is particularly excited, often tears. To me, has not just acquired knowledge. Even more, he is trying to decipher the genetic code of his academic life. "the characters are in the heart, and the people who hear them are moving. Now, with the consent of Professor Wang and the main title, they will be published to enjoy the reader's enjoyment. The speech will be recorded by Liu Yao, a student at the National Institute of Education." It was examined by the author.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学文学院;
【正文快照】: 编者按:11月25日下午,由本校傅宏星副研究员主编的《钱基博集》新书出版座谈会在湖南科技学院国学院小成堂如期召开。座谈会有幸邀请到了国内知名的中国文学学术史专家、华中师范大学文学院副院长王炜教授莅临指导。王教授的发言,高屋建瓴,切中肯綮,给人诸多的启迪。王炜教授
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