发布时间:2018-04-27 00:41
本文选题:许鸿磐 + 北曲六种 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:许鸿磐一生经历了乾隆、嘉庆、道光三朝,享年八十一岁。他一生博极群书,好读史书,喜韩愈诗文,好为骈体文。兼通医,工调曲,一生著书较多,所著《方舆考证》乃为人们所称道,而其创作于道光元年至三年的《六观楼北曲六种》在戏曲史上也有一定的地位。本文将分五章对其进行探讨。第一章首先对许鸿磐的生平做必要的考证,以便加深我们对《六观楼北曲六种》的理解;其次介绍《六观楼北曲六种》的版本以及这六个剧作的创作年代和创作背景。第二章分析《六观楼北曲六种》的思想内容,具体分为" '忠孝节义'思想的宣扬"、"补史之阙"、"人生如梦,幻化无常"、"华夷一家思想"四个部分。其中《女云台》和《儒吏完城》"褒忠";《帛雁书》"表节";而《孝女存孤》"重孝";《西辽记》"补史之阙";《三钗梦》表达"人生如梦,幻化无常"的思想;《雁帛书》和《西辽记》表达"华夷一家思想"。第三章分析《六观楼北曲六种》丰富多彩的人物形象。其中有以耶律大石、感天皇后为代表的立志复国的帝王形象;有以秦良玉、郝经等为代表的忠肝义胆的臣子形象;有以张淑贞为代表的感动天地的孝女形象;有晴雯、林黛玉、薛宝钗等薄命红颜的形象。第四章阐述《六观楼北曲六种》的叙事特色,具体包括"众星拱月式"的叙事模式和叙事时空两部分。"众星拱月式"是指各个角色分别围绕着主角展开的叙事,烘托出主角的或"忠"或"孝"或"节"的思想。叙事时空体现在顺叙、追叙、预叙、概要、间断、颠倒等方面,作者通过巧妙的时空处理,将一个涉及几年、几十年甚至更长时间的故事完整地展现在有限的舞台上。第五章论述《六观楼北曲六种》的艺术特色,具体将从作品的虚构方式、语言艺术、体制特征三个方面进行逐一展开。其中虚构包括无中生有和移花接木两种方式;语言在追求简洁凝练、自然朴实的同时,也不乏典雅绮丽;在结构上,既继承了元杂剧的体制,在此基础上也有所创新。
[Abstract]:Xu Hongpan lived through three dynasties, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. He was 81 years old. His life Bo Ji Qun books, good to read history books, happy Han Yu poetry, good for parallel style. He wrote many books in his whole life, and his works, Fang Yu's textual Research, were praised by people, and they also played a certain role in the history of the opera, which was composed in the first year to three years of Daoguang's first year to three years. This article will divide into five chapters to carry on the discussion to it. The first chapter makes the necessary textual research on Xu Hongpan's life, in order to deepen our understanding of the six kinds of Northern qu of Liu Guan Lou, and then introduce the edition of the six kinds of Northern qu of Liu Guan Lou, and the creation age and background of the six plays. The second chapter analyzes the ideological content of "six kinds of Northern qu of Liuguan Lou", which is divided into four parts: "the propaganda of the thought of loyalty and filial piety", "the que of supplementing history", "life is like a dream, fickle and fickle", and "the thought of Huayi family". Among them, "female Yuntai" and "Confucian officials finish the City" Bao Zhong "; < Silk Goose Book >" Table Festival ";" filial piety and filial piety "; < Liaoji >" the lack of filling History "; < Dream of the three hairpin > expresses" Life is like a Dream, " Fickle thought, Yan silk book and Xi Liao Ji expressed the thought of Hua Yi family. The third chapter analyzes the colorful characters of six kinds of songs in the north of Liuguan Lou. Among them are the image of emperors determined to restore the nation, represented by the great stone of Yilu and the feeling of the Queen of Heaven; the images of subjects of loyal liver and righteous courage represented by Qin Liangyu and Hao Jing; the images of filial piety women who are moved to heaven and earth represented by Zhang Shuzhen; and the images of Qing Wen and Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai and so on thin life beautiful appearance. The fourth chapter expounds the narrative characteristics of "six kinds of Northern qu", including the narrative mode and narrative time and space. "all stars and arch moon" refers to the narration that each character launches around the protagonist, setting off the thought of "loyalty", "filial piety" or "festival" of the protagonist. Narrative space-time is embodied in the following aspects: narration, resuscitation, prenarration, summary, discontinuity, inversion and so on. The author, through ingenious space-time processing, displays a story involving several years, decades or more on a limited stage. The fifth chapter discusses the artistic characteristics of "six kinds of Northern qu", which will be carried out one by one from the three aspects of the fictional mode, language art and system characteristics of the works. The fiction includes two ways: the creation of nothing and the transfer of flowers and trees; while the language pursues succinctness and simplicity, it also lacks elegance and beauty; in structure, it inherits the system of Yuan zaju, and also innovates on this basis.
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