[Abstract]:The influence of this error is far greater than that of the original, and some scholars think it is the result of the survival of the fittest. In fact, the original text of the poem has been highly praised in the Ming Dynasty, after the emergence of the false copy, it was not possible to suppress the original text at first. Since then, the original poem is widely known in Japan, its charm to the reader can be kept pace with the false copy. Since the Qing Dynasty, the influence of this poem has far exceeded that of the original text, but the reasons for most readers to appreciate it are not obviously different from the appreciation of the original text by those who accept the original text. It is unconscious that the scholars are careful to distinguish the falsehood of the original text better than that of the original text. Therefore, the error of this poem is far more influential than the original text, and it is difficult to say how much connection it has with the merits and demerits of the two texts, nor is it mainly the result of the judgment of the receiver's merits and demerits, which is the key to this situation. This should be due to the prevailing mentality of "only discussing and promoting society" when Chinese people accept poetry.
【作者单位】: 广西师范大学文学院;
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