网友zhangkuan14313近日为您收集整理了关于宋代笔记中的苏轼(文学)的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:IIIInterpretation on Su Shi in Song Dynasty NotesA Dissertation Submitted toThe Graduate School of Henan UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the degree ofMaster of ArtsByZhai LuSupervisor: Prof.Wang JianpingApril, 2013VI摘要中国古代文学研究传统中对于名家名流的研究向来推崇,对于苏轼的研究更是从宋代就已进行。苏轼是中国文化史、文学史上的奇才,是历代研究得最多的文学家。本文以苏轼为研究中心,以两宋的史料类笔记为研究范围,对苏轼的形象、交游、文学创作、身历的“乌台诗案”等进行梳理和研究。首先,先对宋代笔记的发展及特点进行概述,对宋人笔记的创作队伍和文献价值进行考察,对宋人而言,笔记是最能体现他们生活和精神世界的一种体裁。宋人笔记无论在写作态度还是在风格上都反映了他们独特的面貌,笔记以其短小灵活、平实质朴的笔法与宋人独特的生活与精神相契合(来源:[]),成为宋人独特的写作形式。作者以“亲见”、“亲历”和“亲闻”来记叙本朝轶事和掌故的笔记。这类笔记有较为切实的内容,有的甚至是第一手资料。笔记写作的群体范围到了宋代更加扩大化,作者或为朝廷重臣,或为文坛领袖,笔记也就成为一种较为流行的文学形式。其次,笔记中有关苏轼的记载可谓名目众多,在记载苏轼的笔记作者中,有和他同时代的如司马光、赵令畤、李廌等,也有在苏轼过世之后出于对其崇敬热爱而搜集其逸闻轶事的邵伯温、叶梦得、陆游等。从笔记中梳理出苏轼的文人形象和官员形象。对于苏轼自己的笔记作品《东坡志林》也进行研究,以考察苏轼的史学观、佛老思想、政治思想、医学贡献。第三,通过对笔记史料的梳理,统计出笔记中苏轼的称谓,可从称谓推断作者与苏轼的关系以及笔记作者对苏轼的态度。如司马光《涑水记闻》中提及苏轼时用“苏子瞻”,是一般的较友好的称谓。曾布在《曾公遗录》中多次仅称其“苏轼”,曾布入《宋史奸臣传》。由此可以初步推断作者是否对苏轼持有偏见。而何薳、李廌多在笔记作品中称呼苏轼“先生”、“东坡先生”等,可直观感受(来源:[])到对苏轼的尊敬和热爱。第四,通过对宋代笔记史料的研究分析,关于苏轼“乌台诗案”的始末有着不同于正史的记载,虽然笔记之间的记载多有龃龉,但是其中一些细节更真实得还原当时苏轼的处境和心境。关键词:宋代笔记,苏轼,东坡志林,乌台诗案IIIABSTRACTChinese ancient literature research always focuses on celebrities, especially on Su Shi. Su Shi is agenius on Chinese culture history and literature history, who has been researched most in the history. Thisthesis emphasizes on him on the basis of the history notes of two dynasties, on his images, trips, literatureworks, and ‘(来源:[])Wutai Poem Case’.Firstly, this thesis summarizes the development and characteristics of notes of Song Dynasty, andresearches on production teams and historical materials of Song Dynasty notes. For people in Song Dynasty,notes are a type of work that can express their lives and spiritual world. Notes reflect their unique life inwriting attitude and style. Also, notes fit people’s lives in Song Dynasty by its short, flexible and modeststyle. Writers (来源:[])recorded the notes through his own experiences. These notes have solid contents, evenfirst-hand materials. Notes became a popular literature style after more people like officials and leaders ofliterature field joined in this group.Secondly, Notes related to Su Shi are various. A lot of people like Sima Guang, Zhao Lingzhi, and LiZhi, who were living in the same age are mentioned in the notes about Su Shi. Also, Shao Bowen, YeMengde, Luyou recorded(来源:[]) him after his death. These notes embodied Su Shi’s image as scholar and officialas well as researched on his Dongpo Zhi Lin to abstract his ideas about history, Buddhism, politics andmedical science.Thirdly, through anization of notes, this thesis analyzes the titles of Sushi to deduce the writers’relations with Su and attitude towards Su. For example, Sima Guang mentioned Su Shi a
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