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发布时间:2018-04-29 08:50

  本文选题:微量元素 + 宏量元素 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的微量元素(铁、锌、铜)和宏量元素(镁、钙、磷)是构成人类机体的重要物质,维持着人体正常活动和代谢,对人体健康起着重要的作用。这六种元素不仅参与体内细胞分裂、核酸的形成、骨骼的骨化,同时还参与人体的内分泌及免疫等过程。它们水平缺乏或过量均可导致疾病。儿童因处于生长发育的关键时期,并且消化系统发育还不成熟,胃酸和消化酶分泌少,酶活力偏低,同时儿童易出现消化系统功能紊乱,影响营养吸收,容易出现铁、镁、锌、铜、钙、磷水平失衡。各元素吸收、代谢等过程中存在相互作用,一种元素缺乏或过量,容易引起其他元素水平失衡。本文研究了不同年龄儿童血清铁、镁、锌、铜、钙、磷水平,以及各元素之间的相互作用,为防治元素失衡引发的疾病提供依据。 方法回顾性分析了2014年1月至2014年12月来我院就诊的儿童1040名,其中婴儿组(1岁)200人,男孩128人,女孩72人,幼儿组(1-2岁)200人,男孩108人,女孩92人,学龄前期组(3-6岁)为240人,男孩140人,女孩100人,学龄期组(7-12岁)200人,男孩132人,女孩68人,青春期组(13-14岁)为200人,男孩112人,女孩88人。患儿均采取静脉血2ml,采用全自动生化分析仪(日立7600-210)进行检测血清铁、镁、锌、铜、钙、磷。全部数据采用SPSS21.0分析软件进行处理。各元素水平符合正态分布采用x±s表示,各年龄段各元素水平两两比较时,方差不具齐性,故采用秩和检验进行分析,以P<0.005为差异有统计学意义。各元素之间行Pearson相关分析,均以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。 结果 (1)六种元素中,除婴幼儿组血清锌低于正常范围,,其余各年龄组六种元素血清水平均在正常值范围。婴儿期血清铁、镁、锌的水平明显低于年长儿组。幼儿期血清铁、锌的水平明显低于学龄期及青春期的水平,血清铜的水平明显高于学龄期及青春期。学龄前期血清铁水平明显低于学龄期及青春期。 (2)相关分析表明:血清铁水平与血清锌水平呈显正相关,r=0.366,P0.001,血清铁与铜呈负相关,r=-0.275,P0.001,血清锌与铜呈负相关,r=-0.162,P=0.009,血清锌与钙呈正相关,r=0.156,P=0.012,血清钙与磷呈负相关,r=-0.256,P0.001。其余各元素之间无显著性相关。 结论 (1)对某一元素缺乏的儿童则应在膳食外给予额外补充。 (2)本文研究结果提示婴儿期存在锌缺乏,铁、镁水平低于年长儿,需补充锌元素,同时需加强膳食中铁、镁元素的摄入和平衡;幼儿期存在锌缺乏,铁水平低于年长儿,故需补充锌的同时,注意铁元素的摄入和平衡;学龄前期儿童需注意铁元素的补充。 (3)因锌、铁、铜等元素之间存在相互作用,故补充某一元素时需注意剂量适当,两种以上元素同时补充时则需注意元素之间的比例和平衡。
[Abstract]:Objective Trace elements (iron, zinc, copper) and macroelements (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus) are important substances that constitute human body, maintain normal activity and metabolism of human body, and play an important role in human health. These six elements not only participate in cell division, nucleic acid formation, bone ossification, but also participate in endocrine and immune processes. Their lack or overdose can lead to disease. Children are in the critical period of growth and development, and the digestive system is not mature, gastric acid and digestive enzyme secretion is low, enzyme activity is low, and children are prone to digestive system dysfunction, affecting nutrition absorption, iron, magnesium, zinc, iron, magnesium and zinc, The levels of copper, calcium and phosphorus are out of balance. In the process of absorption and metabolism of various elements, there is interaction, and one element is deficient or excessive, which can easily cause the imbalance of other elements. The levels of serum iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium and phosphorus in children of different ages were studied in this paper. Methods from January 2014 to December 2014, 1040 children in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed, including 128,128 boys, 72 girls, 200 young children aged 1-2 years, 108 boys and 92 girls in the infant group. In the preschool group, 240 persons (aged 3-6 years), 140 boys, 100 girls, 200 boys aged 7-12 years, 132 boys, 68 girls, and 13-14 years old in puberty group were 200, 112 boys and 88 girls. The serum iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium and phosphorus were detected by automatic biochemical analyzer (Hitachi 7600-210). All data are processed by SPSS21.0 software. The level of each element was expressed as x 卤s in accordance with normal distribution, and the variance was not homogeneous when compared with each other in different age groups. Therefore, rank sum test was used to analyze, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.005). There were significant differences in Pearson correlation among all the elements (P < 0. 05). Result 1) among the six elements, the serum zinc levels of the six elements were in the normal range except for the infants and young children, and the serum levels of the other six elements in each age group were in the normal range. The levels of serum iron, magnesium and zinc in infants were significantly lower than those in older infants. The levels of serum iron and zinc were significantly lower than those of school age and puberty, and the levels of serum copper were significantly higher than those of school age and puberty. The serum iron level in pre-school age was significantly lower than that in school age and puberty. (2) correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between serum iron level and serum zinc level, a negative correlation between serum iron and copper, a negative correlation between serum zinc and copper, a positive correlation between serum zinc and calcium, and a negative correlation between serum calcium and phosphorus, a negative correlation between serum Zn and P, a negative correlation between serum Zn and Cu, a positive correlation between serum Zn and Ca, and a negative correlation between serum Ca and P, P 0.001. There was no significant correlation between the other elements. Conclusion Children who lack an element should be supplemented in addition to the diet. 2) the results of this study suggest that zinc deficiency exists in infancy, iron and magnesium levels are lower than those in older children, zinc should be supplemented, and the intake and balance of iron and magnesium in diet should be strengthened, and zinc deficiency exists in early childhood, and iron level is lower than that of older children. Therefore, attention should be paid to iron intake and balance while zinc supplementation and iron supplementation should be paid attention to in preschool children. 3) due to the interaction among elements such as zinc, iron, copper and so on, it is necessary to pay attention to the appropriate dosage when supplementing one element, and the proportion and balance of elements to be paid attention to when two or more elements are supplemented at the same time.


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