[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the distribution of pathogenic bacteria, drug resistance and risk factors of nosocomial infection in hospitalized patients in order to guide the use of antimicrobial agents in clinical patients and to reduce the nosocomial infection rate. Methods the clinical data of inpatients with infection in hospital from July 2013 to June 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. The positive specimens were isolated and cultured by BACTEC9000 culture system. The drug sensitivity test was performed by K-B Agar method designated by NCCLS. The data were analyzed by SPSS18.0 software. Results among 12 755 inpatients, 304 were nosocomial infection, 425 were nosocomial infection, the nosocomial infection rate was 2.38 and the nosocomial infection rate was 3.33.The top 3 of the nosocomial infection departments were ICU, neurology department and respiratory department, accounting for 28.9416.00% and 11.76%, respectively. 194 strains of pathogenic bacteria were isolated, of which 35 strains were Gram-positive bacteria (18.04%), 126 strains were Gram-negative bacteria (64.95%), 46 strains of multidrug resistant bacteria (MDR) were detected. The positive rate of main gram-positive bacteria to penicillin G, levofloxacin and gentamicin was higher, all of them were 69.00. The main gram-negative bacteria were resistant to amikacin, meropenem, cefoperazone / sulbactam. The drug resistance rates of imipenem and tobramycin were lower than those of other antimicrobial agents, and the hospital stay days, urinary catheterization times, diabetes mellitus and antibiotic use were the high risk factors of nosocomial infection. Conclusion the infection factors of inpatients in internal medicine are complicated, and the prevention measures should be taken to control the nosocomial infection.
【作者单位】: 新疆生产建设兵团医院石河子大学医学院第二附属医院院感办;
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