[Abstract]:Objective to understand the influencing factors of government transfer in nursing societies of provinces and cities in China, and explore the new direction of nursing management system reform on the platform of society. Methods based on the rooted theory, 10 experts from 9 provinces and cities were selected for in-depth interviews. The third level coding of the root theory was used to collate the data and analyze and refine the subject with QSR NVivo10.0 software. Results the influencing factors of nursing society to undertake the transfer of government functions include internal human and institutional factors, external support factors and other factors (such as independent legal person status, financial support). Conclusion as the participants in the nursing management of the government and the medical and health institutions, the nursing society should make clear its own ability, actively communicate and coordinate with the government departments and its superiors, so as to promote the steady development of the medical and health service.
【作者单位】: 安徽医科大学研究生学院;
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