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发布时间:2019-05-22 08:19
【摘要】:目的了解本地区成分献血者现况、献血动机及影响其捐献成分血的因素等,以寻求有效提高成分献血者招募、保留力度的方法。方法设计了《江苏省血液中心成分献血者调查问卷》,对在本中心的成分献血者进行随机调查并对结果进行统计分析。结果 1)在调查群体中较低学历层次占74%。2)在献血动机中70.8%人选择"个人性格(助人、奉献爱心)、信仰等"。3)40.9%献血者是通过"同学(事)、朋友或家人介绍"参加成分献血。4)只有22.5%献血者知道"献血前如有危险行为或信息填写有误的处理方法"。5)工作人员态度(55.9%)、预约献血(62.6%)、安全(74.9%)、服务态度(60.5%)及献血环境(78.4%)等成为影响自愿捐献成分血的重要因素。6)70.1%的献血者献血后首要关注"捐献血小板的检测结果"。结论献血者现状、献血动机、对献血的认知、献血全过程的感受、关注重点等多种因素都会影响成分献血者的献血热情和持久程度。在整个成分献血过程中,应做好细致的献血服务、必要的心理疏导和沟通工作;加强成分献血宣传力度,争取得到更多高素质固定献血者的理解、参与和支持。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the current situation of component blood donors in this area, the motivation of blood donation and the factors affecting the donation of component blood, so as to find an effective method to improve the recruitment and retention of component blood donors. Methods the questionnaire of blood donors in Jiangsu blood center was designed, and the blood donors in Jiangsu blood center were randomly investigated and the results were statistically analyzed. Results 1) the lower educational level accounted for 74% of the investigated groups. 2) among the blood donation motivation, 70.8% of the people chose "personal character (helping others, giving love), faith, etc." 3) 40.9% of the blood donors were through "classmates". Friends or family members introduced "participating in ingredient blood donation. 4) only 22.5% of blood donors knew" if there is dangerous behavior or incorrect handling of information before blood donation ". 5) staff attitude (55.9%). Scheduled blood donation (62.6%), safety (74.9%), Service attitude (60.5%) and blood donation environment (78.4%) were the important factors affecting voluntary donation. 6) 70.1% of blood donors paid more attention to the results of platelet donation after blood donation. Conclusion many factors, such as the present situation of blood donors, the motivation of blood donation, the cognition of blood donation, the feeling of the whole process of blood donation and the focus of attention, will affect the enthusiasm and persistence of blood donors. In the whole process of blood donation, we should do a good job of careful blood donation service, necessary psychological counseling and communication work, strengthen the propaganda of component blood donation, and strive to get more understanding, participation and support of more high quality fixed blood donors.
【作者单位】: 江苏省血液中心;


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