[Abstract]:The arteriovenous fistula (arteriovenous graftfistula,AVG) of the artificial vessels of the lower extremity is usually constructed by the inguinal artery, the great saphenous vein or the thigh vein. The thigh triangle is the place where the lymphatic vessels are dense. The incidence of lymphatic leakage after operation in this area is 3.06% [1]. Lymphatic leakage refers to lymphatic efflux caused by damage of lymphatic vessels. The main clinical manifestation is intermittent or continuous outflow of clear or yellowish fluid from the wound. The discharge or accumulation that can not be explained by the incision after operation should be suspected of lymphatic leakage [2]. Lymphoid leakage can lead to the loss of nutrients and affect the nutritional status and immunity of patients.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院血透室;
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