1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Nurse Empathy
2.2 Empathy, Sympathy and Compassion
2.3 Empathy in Medical Care
2.4 The Research Status of Empathy
2.4.1 The level of empathy
2.4.2 Influencers of Empathy in Medicine
2.4.3 Intervention to Improve Empathy in Medicine
2.5 Instruments to Measure empathy
2.6 Research on the Relationship Between Empathy and Patient Satisfaction
2.7 Study Aim
2.8 Research question
2.9 Significance of This Study
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 A Theory of Personal System Empathy
3.2 The Primary Provider Theory of Patient Satisfaction
3.3 Conceptual Framework of Nursing Empathy and Patient Satisfaction
4. Research Method
4.1. Methods
4.1.1 Study design
4.1.2 Data analysis
4.2 Participants and Data Collection
4.3. Ethical Consideration
5. Results
5.1. Characteristics of Participants
5.2. Barriers to and Facilitators for Expressing Empathy
5.3 Perceptions of Impact of Nursing Empathy on Patient Satisfaction with Care
6. Discussion
6.1 Perceptions of Nurses and Patients Regarding Nursing Empathy
6.2 Perceptions of nurses and patients regarding the impact of empathy on patient satisfactionwith care
6.3 Limitations and Strengths
7. Conclusion
Appendix A: Flyers
Appendix B: Guided interview script
Appendix C: Social demographic data
Appendix D: Informed consent form
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