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发布时间:2018-01-03 15:13

  本文关键词:铁岭莲花湖国家城市湿地公园使用状况评价 出处:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 城市湿地公园 使用状况评价 四分图模型法

[Abstract]:City Wetland Park is a comprehensive and complete function, in the range of city green space planning in the construction of wetland resources and has the functional characteristics of the set of science education, recreation, ecological conservation, wild nature in one of the park. So far, many have built the city wetland park operation situation is not good, the more successful city wetland park is very small, the design and construction of the wetland park are still in the blind imitation of the state, mainly reflected in the design flow, copy the successful case. Besides the operating conditions are not good, the most over to a national city wetland park although built and put into use for many years, but there is no effective and timely follow-up improved. This paper aims to study on the Tieling Lotus Lake Wetland Park City for the use of existing in the city wetland park put forward opinions and suggestions in this paper. Evaluation of the use of state of the Lianhua Lake National Wetland Park in Tieling City, prior to this research, the author read the relevant literature evaluation of a large number of city wetland park usage, have a further understanding of this topic. Then the on-the-spot investigation of Tieling Lotus Lake City Wetland Park by interviews and questionnaires, and records under the respondents opinion and investigation, data collection, and the use of Wetland Park were analyzed using four points comprehensive analysis, draw the conclusion and put forward optimized suggestions. Through interviews and questionnaires on the Tieling Lianhua Lake National Wetland Park of the city, divided into two the ecological recreation experience and wetland were investigated at the same time, the shooting scene photos, through interviews and investigation of different users and summarized the influence of the city Study 12 indicators of Wetland Park, are public facilities, Wetland Park safety, animal and plant landscape diversity of wetland water resource adequacy ratio, wetland area suitability, Park convenience, path design rationality, comprehensive management, regional cultural penetration, the popularization of science education. The beauty of the landscape, recreation facilities rich. This paper on the 12 indexes of the park's evaluation and analysis, which are users of 12 indicators of satisfaction ranking using SD semantic differential method, using the AHP analytic hierarchy process of 12 indicators of the importance of the user. The author draws on the 12 indexes of the wetland park. The importance of satisfaction ranking and experts of 12 indicators of Wetland Park sort, and then use the four quadrant model method with satisfaction and importance of 12 indicators are horizontal, vertical coordinate mathematical model, divided into Edge area, patch area, the opportunity to keep District, district four area analysis results are as follows: the dominant area of Wetland Park safety, animal and plant landscape diversity of wetland water resource adequacy ratio, wetland area suitability; patch area has reached the Park convenience; opportunity area path design rationality, comprehensive management the permeability of regional culture, the popularization of science education; conservation district park facilities, beautiful landscape, rich recreational facilities. The comprehensive analysis results are as follows: the dominant area of the park is part of the advantage, should be continued and spread; repair region part is the deficiency of the park, should be timely repair and the perfect opportunity zone is a short board; part of the park, such as the repair is not standard should be abandoned; keep the district is relatively satisfied with the place of the park, should maintain and continue to repair. Finally through the above conclusions of the four parts of the park Put forward the suggestion of optimization.



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