摘 要中国经济发展的突飞猛进,国内建筑市场正以前所未有的速度迅速扩张。这对建筑人才教育提出了前所未有的“质”和“量”的社会要求。同时大批境外建筑设计事务所纷纷抢摊中国市场,攻城略地,他们所拥有的相对开阔的国际视野、良好的职业素质、较高的执业水平和市场化的灵活机制都使得同时期国内以综合性为最大特色的设计院相形见绌。国内尽管有北京建筑设计院和上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司这样建筑设计单位中的佼佼者,,也不乏京津沪和深圳这样固定资产投资量巨大的城市,但竞争的激烈程度仍然在当前的建筑设计市场上淋漓尽致地表现出来。市场的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,目前国内各大设计院设计任务量只能满足设计能力的50%~80%,中小型设计单位设计任务的饱和度甚至更低。国内设计企业生产能力相对过剩,设计市场供需失衡的根本原因是国内优秀设计人才的缺乏。一方面是建筑院校培养的本科生哪怕研究生都难以在短期内胜任设计实践工作,另一方面是相当部分建筑师们盲目地追风、复制、模仿西方建筑,真正称得上“大师”级的建筑师凤毛麟角,微乎其微。深刻的社会变革要求我国的建筑师必须从单一的专业技术人才向掌握社会、经济、环境、管理学科和专业技术的综台型人才转变。而继续教育是解决这一问题的最佳途径。注册建筑师继续教育目前在我国得到积极的推行,政府管理部门对注册建筑师实行2年一次不低于80学时的强制性教育,注册建筑师的继续教育工作已越来越得到社会各界的关注,但其实效却并不显著。社会和政府管理层对继续教育的实效问题关注度也不高,亦很少从深层次对继续教育实效问题进行思考。因而探讨注册建筑师继续教育的实效问题,有其积极的现实意义。 本文意在从市场和行政管理的角度回答实践中突出的诸问题,以我国注册建筑师的继续教育实效为切入点,探讨继续教育的管理模式并寄希望能够给广大建筑业内人士带来些许启发。关键词:继续教育;注册建筑师;实效;研究AbstractWith the fast economic development in China, the construction industry indomestic market is unprecedentedly expanding, which bring forward a socialdemand of unprecendented “quality” and “quantity” for the education ofconstruction talent. In the meantime, lots of architecture offices from abroad arepenetrating niche markets in China with their broad and international horizon, highercareer quality, excellent performance and flexible mechanism for marketization arebetter than those designing institute with a feature of integration in Chinatemporarily.Even though there are the best outstanding architectural designing units such asBeijing architectural designing institute and Shanghai modern designing companylimited, as well as those large cities with a large quantity of fixed capital investment,like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Shenzhen, the fierce competition still exists inthe present architectural designing market. Market competition is based on talentcompetition. Nowadays, the volume of designing task in large designing institutesonly satisfy 50%-80% of total design capability, and the saturation of designing taskin small and medium units is relatively low. The surplus of production capacity indomestic construction companies, and the imbalance of supply and demand indesigning market are resulted from the lack of outstanding architecture talents. Onthe one hand, the postgraduates in construction colleges and universities are lessqualified for practice work for architecture, not to mention the undergraduates. Onthe other hand, most architects blindly follow the fashion, copy and imitate thearchitectural style in the west, very few architects are regarded as grate andoutstanding architects having their own designing styles. The p rofound change insociety suggests that Chinese architects must become a inter-disciplinary talenthaving a good command of society, economy, environment management andtechnology from who of single professional skills. However, continuing education isthe optimum method for resolving the problem.