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发布时间:2020-12-28 21:25

【文章来源】:中国矿业大学江苏省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:186 页


1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景及其意义(Research Background and Meaning)
        1.1.1 研究背景(Research Background)
        1.1.2 研究意义(Research Meaning)
    1.2 国内外研究现状分析(Analysis of the Abroad and Domestic Research Actualities)
        1.2.1 国内的相关研究状况(Analysis of the Domestic Research Actualities)
        1.2.2 国外的相关研究状况(Analysis of the Abroad Research Actualities)
        1.2.3 国内外相关研究观点述评(Reviews of the Correlative Research Viewpoint of the Abroad and Home)
    1.3 研究思路与内容(Research Thought and Main Content)
        1.3.1 研究思路(Research Thought)
        1.3.2 研究内容(Main Research Content)
    1.4 研究方法和技术路线(Research Approaches and Technical-line)
        1.4.1 研究方法(Research Approaches)
        1.4.2 研究的技术路线(Research of Technical-line)
2 高等教育与区域经济互动关系演进
    2.1 高等教育发展及高校职能拓展分析(Analysis of the Higher Function of Higher School Development and the Higher Education)
        2.1.1 高等教育发展及高校人才培养职能(Higher Education Development and The Function of Talent Training of Higher School)
        2.1.2 高等教育发展及高校的科学研究职能(The Function of Science Research of Higher School and Higher Education Development)
        2.1.3 高等教育发展及高校的社会服务职能(The Function of Society Service of Higher School and Higher Education Development)
        2.1.4 我国高等教育发展规律分析(Analysis of the Essence Principals of Higher Education in Our Country)
    2.2 区域经济相关理论分析(Analysis of the Relative Theory of Regional Economy)
        2.2.1 区域经济增长理论(The Theory of Economic Growth)
        2.2.2 区域经济发展理论(The Theory of Economic Development)
    2.3 高等教育与区域经济互动机理分析(Analysis of the Mechanism of the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
        2.3.1 高等教育对区域经济的功能分析(Analysis of the Function of the Higher Education to the Regional Economy)
        2.3.2 区域经济对高等教育的作用分析(Analysis of the Effect of the Regional Economy to the Higher Education)
        2.3.3 高等教育与区域经济互动关系分析(Analysis of the Correlation of the Higher Education and the Regional Economy)
    2.4 高等教育与区域经济互动趋势分析(Analysis of the Interactive Trend of the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
        2.4.1 经济知识化(Knowledge of the Economy)
        2.4.2 知识经济化(Economization of the Knowledge)
        2.4.3 知识产业化(Industrialization Features of the Knowledge)
3 西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动发展分析
    3.1 西北五省(区)经济发展分析(Regional Economy Development of North-west China)
        3.1.1 西北五省(区)经济社会发展分析(Economy-society Development of North-west China)
        3.1.2 西北五省(区)经济发展影响因素分析(Economy Development Factor of North-west China)
    3.2 西北五省(区)高等教育发展分析(Higher Education Development of North-west China)
        3.2.1 西北五省(区)高等教育发展分析(Higher Education Development of North-west China)
        3.2.2 西北五省(区)高等教育发展影响因素分析(Influencing Factor to the Higher Education Development of North-west China)
    3.3 西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济发展相关性测度:基于PCA 模型(Analyzing the Relativity of the Higher Education and the Regional Economy by the Model of PCA)
        3.3.1 传统理论模型分析(Analysis of Theory Model)
        3.3.2 主成分分析模型(Model of Principal Components Analysis)
        3.3.3 全局主成分分析法(Generalization Principal Components Analysis,GPCA)
        3.3.4 西北五省(区)区域经济发展水平的GPCA 测度(Generalization Principal Component Analysis Measure of Regional Economic Development of North-west China)
        3.3.5 西北五省(区)高等教育发展水平的GPCA 测度(Generalization Principal Component Analysis Measure of Higher Education Development of North-west China)
        3.3.6 西北五省(区)高等教育与区经济发展相关性分析(Analysis of Mutual Development of Higher Education and Regional Economy)
    3.4 西北五省(区)高等教育及区域经济互动中存在的问题:基于SWOT 分析(Analyzing the Higher Education and Regional Economy Interaction In North-west China by the SWOT)
        3.4.1 高等教育与区域经济互动组织与制度不健全(The Morbidity of the Interactive Organization and System to the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
        3.4.2 高等教育与区域经济互动机制与市场建设滞后(The Lag of the Interactive Mechanism and Market Construction to the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
        3.4.3 高等教育与区域经济互动创新体系不完善(The Faultiness of the Interactive Innovation System to the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
        3.4.4 高等教育体系及高校布局与区域经济发展要求相割裂(The Requirement Dissever of Higher School Distribution to the Industrial Structure)
        3.4.5 高校定位及人才培养与区域经济发展需求相脱节(The Interactive Demand Disjoint of the Higher School Orientation and Talent Training to the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
4 西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动模式构建的基本思想及原则
    4.1 西北五省(区)高等教育与经济互动模式构建基本思想分析(Analysis of the Basic Idea of the Interaction Model Construction of Higher Education and Regional Economy in North-west China)
        4.1.1 共同愿景:创新即发展(Common Wish: Innovation is Development)
        4.1.2 发展理念:互动即双赢(Developing Idea: Interaction is Both-win)
    4.2 西北五省(区)高等教育与经济互动模式构建基本原则分析(Analysis of the Basic Principle and Idea of the Interaction Model Construction of Higher Education and Regional Economy in North-west China)
        4.2.1 特色性与适应性相结合的原则(Principle of Characteristic and Applicability Combination)
        4.2.2 科学性与动态性相结合的原则(Principle of Scientific and Developing Combination)
        4.2.3 互动性与协同性相结合的原则(Principle of Interaction and Cooperation Combination)
    4.3 西北五省(区)高等教育与经济互动模式内涵分析(Analysis of Meaning of the Higher Education and Regional Economy Interaction Model in North-west China)
        4.3.1 互动模式内涵(Meaning of Interaction Model)
        4.3.2 互动主体及责任与义务(Interaction Main Body and the Responsibility and Obligation)
5 西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动模式构建
    5.1 区域产业群资源开发合作互动模式(Interaction Model of Industry Cluster of Resources Development and Cooperation)
        5.1.1 资源开发合作式产业群(Industrial Cluster of Resources Development Cooperation)
        5.1.2 构建一轴一带及三大特色产业集群(Construct the One-axes, One-strip and Three Characteristic Industrial Cluster)
    5.2 大学科技园区产学研合作互动模式(Interaction Model of National University Technology District of Enterprise, Research and University)
        5.2.1 大学科技园成为区域高新技术孵化和人才培养基地(National University Technology District is the Base of the Regional Technology Hatch and Talent Training)
        5.2.2 发挥大学科技园在区域经济发展的创新优势(Exerting the Innovation Advantage of the National University Technology Park in Regional Economical development)
    5.3 实验室和工程中心技术创新合作互动模式(Interaction Model of Laboratory and Engineering Center of Technology Innovation Cooperation)
        5.3.1 依托重点实验室推动创新(Co-established the Key Laboratory and Engineering Center by Government, University and Enterprise)
        5.3.2 依托工程研究中心开发应用技术(Co-established the Engineering Center by Government, University and Enterprise)
        5.3.3 依托工程技术研究中心推动科技转化(Co-established Engineering Technology Center by Government, University and Enterprise)
    5.4 多主体合作办学互动模式(Interaction Model of Running a School by University and Enterprise)
        5.4.1 合作建立高等教育机构(Co-establish the Higher Education Institute)
        5.4.2 联合培养人才(United to Train the Talent)
    5.5 高等教育与区域经济互动模式总结——多维互动模式(Summarization of Interaction Model of Higher Education and Regional Economy---Multi-dimension Interactive Model)
6 基于多维互动模式的西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济发展策略
    6.1 宏观层面分析(Macro-Analysis of Higher Education and Regional Economy Interactive Model)
        6.1.1 建立高等教育与区域经济互动的新型组织(Construct the New Organization for the Higher Education and Regional Economy Interaction)
        6.1.2 重构高等教育与区域经济互动的保障制度(Construct the Ensuring System for the Higher Education and Regional Economy Interaction)
        6.1.3 设计高等教育与区域经济互动的运行机制(Design the Running Mechanism of for Higher Education and the Regional Economy)
        6.1.4 完善高等教育与区域经济互动的市场体系(Perfect the Interactive Market System of the Higher Education and Regional Economy)
        6.1.5 构建高等教育与区域经济互动的创新体系(Construct the Innovative System of Higher Education to the Development of Regional Economy)
    6.2 中观层面分析(Middle-Analysis of Higher Education and Regional Economy Interactive Model)
        6.2.1 深化高等教育职能拓展与区域文化力发展相适应(Development of the Function the Higher Education is Adapt to the Development of Reginonal Culture Power)
        6.2.2 完善高等教育体系与区域经济发展水平相适应(The Higher Education System is Adapt to the Regional Economy Development Level)
        6.2.3 调整高等院校布局与区域经济产业分布相协调(The Distributing of the Regional Higher School is Adapt to the Industry Distribution of Regional
    6.3 微观层面分析(Micro-Analysis of Higher Education and Regional Economy Interactive Model)
        6.3.1 明确高等院校定位与服务区域经济发展相统一(The Orientation of the Regional Colleges is Unity to the Service Competence of Regional Economy)
        6.3.2 构建高等教育人才培养模式与区域经济发展需求相对接(Training Mode of Higher Education Talent is United with the Need of the Regional Economy
        6.3.3 建设高等院校优势学科及专业与区域特色产业相匹配(The Advantage Subjects and Majors of College is Adapt to the Regional Characteristic Industry)
7 结论与展望
    7.1 基本观点与结论(Essential Views and Summarization)
    7.2 政策建议(Policy Suggestions)
    7.3 论文的主要创新点(Main Innovation Points of Thesis)
    7.4 论文的不足及需进一步研究的问题(The Inadequacy of the Thesis and The More Research)

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