广元市生态林业产业经济发展探讨 杨清龙,刘忠诚 广元市科学技术协会,四川广元 628000 摘要:广元市地处秦巴山区腹地,贫困人口众多,发展生态林业产业经济,,对推进广元贫困人口脱贫致富具有 十分重要的意义。兼有生态、经济和社会三大效益的林业产业,生产、加工、营销环节辐射广大农村,涉及千 家万户,涵盖一、二、三产业的多个门类,是涵盖范围广、产业链条长、产品种类多的复合产业群体,充分利 用林地资源大力发展优势特色林业产业,在广元以及秦巴山区扶贫开发中具有实现“绿山富民奔小康”的现实 意义。 关键词:生态林业;产业经济;广元 The Ecological Forestry Industry in Guangyuan City Economic Development Model YANG Qinglong, LIU Zhongcheng Guangyuan Association for Science and Technology, Guangyuan, 628000, China Abstract: Located in the hinterland of Qinba Mountains in Guangyuan city, poverty population, developing ecological economy, forestry industry to promote Guangyuan poor people out of poverty to become rich is of great significance. Both ecological and economic and social benefits of forestry industry, the rural production, processing and marketing links radiation, involving families, covering more than one, two, three industry categories, the scope is wide, long industry chain, product variety of composite industry group, and make full use of forest resources to develop the advantage characteristic of forestry industry, in Guangyuan and the Qinba Mountains poverty alleviation and development with implementation of "green mountain are enriching people rush" practical significance. Keywords :the ecological forestry, industrial economy, Guangyuan 广元市地处秦巴山区腹地,集革命老区、大型水库库区、汶川地震灾区、自然灾害易发多发区于一体,